Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Lemon juice

Mains Lemon or lime Lemon juice Dill and/or spring onions ...

Salmon fillets are added at each piece of foil. Foliet must be so large that it can be made into a small package with a little airspace. Spicy fish with salt and pepper. Drizzle lemon juice over. Put a good dusk dill, possibly a whole half a clove of garlic a

Appetizers Assorted lettuce leaves Blue poppy seed Lemon juice ...

Stir all ingredients for dressing together. Season with salt and pepper. Cook the pasta following the instructions on the bag. Came the green asparagus in pan a min. before the pasta is cooked. Dip the pasta and asparagus in cold water and let it drain away.

Sides Fresh chopped parsley Sugar Fintsnittet cabbage (about 1 cm wide and 3-4 cm long) ...

White takes steamed in butter together with the other spices. The fresh chopped parsley place in right before serving or served in a bowl so that you can sprinkle it you want. Tips: Tastes good with a slice of wholemeal rye bread and along with meatballs,

Appetizers Pepper Pine seeds pumpkin seeds Salt ...

Cook the pasta and rinse with cold water. Whisk lemon juice olive oil salt and pepper together. Pour the marinade over the pasta and mix with the fintsnittet fennel and lettuce sprinkle. Cut the cucumber into long strips with a potato peeler and add to the

Soups Mint sprig Pepper Salt ...

Melt butter or margarine in a large thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the scallions and garlic and cook them over low heat, stirring constantly for about 3 minutes, until soft and clear glass. Stir in flour and let Cook while stirring in the 1-2 minutes. Add the

Sides White pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Smut almonds, dry them well and blend them finely. Add the egg yolks, mustard, lemon, salt and pepper. Add oil in a thin beam of mayonnaisen becomes thick and creamy. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. (used as dipping the potatoes)

Appetizers Lemon juice Sour cream according to taste Pepper ...

Tuna fish mass with a fork until it is finely and evenly. Philadelphia Cheese stirred together with tuna and season with sour cream, lemon, salt and pepper. Rests in the fridge for ½ day and served with bread and a good salad.

Dressing Paprika Pepper Salt ...

It all stirred together