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Recipes with Lemon

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Bake the butcher remove the bum and brush the pork tenderloin for the tendons. Cut the tenderloin approx. 3 cm thick slices and dip the steaks dry with kitchen roll. Cut the sausages into slices and boil them in 2 dl of water with added sugar for 10 minutes. S

Desserts (cold) Lemon Sugar Isinglass ...

Put the house block soft in cold water for 10 minutes. Rub the strawberries through a sieve or drive them to mash in a blender of sugar and lemon juice. Knock the house blast and melt it over the water bath in the water that is attached. Stir the lightly co

Desserts (cold) Lemon Avocados Whipped cream ...

Cut the mature avocados over and remove the stones. Bring the meat with a tablespoon and season it in a blender with 1 dl cream until the mash is even. Whip the rest of the cream stiff, fold the sugar together with the avocado cream and lemon juice, chop th

Desserts (cold) Good ripe tomatoes Water Lemon ...

The sugar layer is boiled with vanilla bars. The rhubarb is cut into small pieces and added and removed from the heat. The tomatoes are removed for skins and cores, then sprinkled with sugar that draws for 2 hours. Then add the healthy rhubarb compote. Must st

Desserts (warm) Good ripe tomatoes Water Lemon ...

Lemon juice and whipped cream are cooked together. Eggs, sugar and cream are mixed together. Turn the hot lemon juice with whipped cream into the mixture and boil. The mixture is added to pinch egg whites. Then it comes in greased patties that are placed in th

Desserts (warm) Eggs Egg yolk Lemon ...

Add butter and flour to a grated lot, add cocoa, salt, flour and mix it all with the egg yolk. Set it cold for half an hour. Roll the dough thinly into a large greased pie. Beat the dough with a fork. Bake at 180 ° C for 10 min. Wash the rhubarb and cut them i

Appetizers Fish stock/water Small salads URf.eks feld salad, the innermost of the main-or friseésalat Dill ...

Free the salmon for the skins and legs. Chop it through the fine holes in the meatbag. Stir it with the soft butter and add blanched and finely chopped shallots. Whip the cream well and add the hand-warmed, soaked, blended husblas. Now add the salmon juice

Desserts (cold) Fresh mint Orange Lemon ...

Rinse the berries and let them dry. Nip them and split them into two piles: a small pile of beautiful, uniform, red berries and a bigger pile of rest. Stir a couple of tablespoons. Lemon juice with 1 tbsp. honey. Cut them in half-quarters and turn them into th