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Recipes with Lemon

Mains Dressing EVS. 1 small chili EVS. 1 tablespoon barbecue barbecue sauce ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions. Whip tomato juice, oil, crushed garlic and finely chopped basil and 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley and taste with peppers, approx. 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt and pepper. Cut the peppers into small terns.

Mains Basil Marinade Pepper ...

Stir soy with honey, chili sauce, salt and pepper. Place the meat in the marinade and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes - for longer, but no more than a day. Turn the meat occasionally. Mix finely chopped garlic, onions and chili w

Mains Fresh basil Fresh thyme Very small potatoes ...

Please pray The butcher to split the mignon or cut it halfway through the long joint - spread it out to form a square. Mix marinade of oil, shredded lemon peel, finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper, rosemary stalks and finely crushed juniper berries. Place t

Drinks (warm) Apple juice Lemon White wine ...

Apple cheese and wine are mixed with sugar and heated to 60 g. Do not boil. In each glass, a paper-thin slice of lemon is placed without cores. The hot punch is sprinkled fine with stewed musk and poured up.

Mains Oil for brushing Salt Mild paprika ...

Fish: Place the spinach in a pan with lid and steam for 1-2 minutes. Brush 4 pieces of silver paper with a little oil. Distribute half of the spinach on the silver paper. Cut the cod fillet into 4-5 cm wide pieces. Distribute the cod fillets on the spinach

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

The marinade is mixed and stirred together in a bowl. The meat pieces are reversed a few times, the navy overnight. Wipe off. Grilles 5-10 minutes. Depending on thickness. Possibly. Accessories grilled tomato and grilled onion.

Buffets Cinnamon stick Lemon Water ...

The juice is sifted from the cherries and chopped with a sweet cherry juice up to a liter of juice. Juice, water lemon slices and whole cinnamon are mixed and boiled and then the sauce is ground with potato flour or maizena stirred in a little juice. Could

Appetizers Lemon Parsley Garlic ...

marinade: Brushed garlic and fresh parsley stir together with oil and a whole fresh lemon juice and pour over the shrimps. Leave the prawns in the marinade for approx. ½-1 hour before laying on the grill. Grilled shrimp: Let the prawns stand for approx. 10