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Recipes with Leeks

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Cut the pork meat into slices and cut the slices into cubes on 4-5 cm. Brown the meat in a little fat in a pan, possibly ad a couple of times. Cut the cleaned Leek into slices. Let now porrerstykkerne sear with some minutes and then add the spices and water. L

Mains Salt Butter Halibut ...

Set the potatoes to boil in lightly salted water. Cut the tomatoes into slices, and place them in a greased casserole dish. Inserts helleflynderen into 8 slices. Sprinkle fish pieces with a little salt, and put them on top of the tomato slices. Cover

Mains Whipped cream Lime juice Parmesan ...

Salmon's father: Salmon meat blended in food processor with the salt and pepper, add the eggs and cream in a thin beam, to the forcemeat was smooth and glossy. Lift the lid a few times on the blender and stir. Lemon: lemon sole fillets activity by salmon fo

Mains Pepper Plenty of water Salt ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin

Salads Dijon mustard Grape seed oil Water ...

boil the potatoes and arrow. Let them cool before they cut into slices. cut leeks into thin slices. turn the potatoes and leeks in the marinade. part broccolien of bouquets on the size of walnuts. cut the stem into slices. blanch the whole thing in 2 minutes.

Mains Mornay sauce Rosemary salt and pepper (possibly a little paprika) Pasta penne ...

Pasta is cooked. Chicken cut into cubes or strips, and Brown on the forehead with the above spices. Leeks cut into slices, and wash thoroughly. Leeks, chicken and pasta are mixed together in a dish, after which the Mornay sauce poured over. Put in the oven

Lunch 2 dl. fromage frais Prisc parsley Salt ...

Fintsnittede leeks and potatoes in slices are cooked until tender in a saucepan with water, bay leaf, thyme, broth and salt. Bacon cut into cubes and fried hard in a frying pan, so the fat melts off. When the leeks and potatoes are well tender after about 20

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon in slices (125 g) ...

Cut the bacon into thin strips. Clean the leeks and cut them in centimeters thick slices. Brown half of the fat and Brown koteletterne on the one hand, season with salt and pepper. Turn them and came baconet know, rose further to both are browned. Melt the r