Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leeks

Mains Paner-mix White wine Honey ...

The fish is washed and cut into appropriate pieces. Reversed in paner-mis and Brown a few minutes in the butter. Put the fish in a baking dish. Got a good knob of butter to the pan together with the honey. Herein Sauté leeks, cut into thin rings. After a fe

Mains Pepper Salt Fenikel to top ...

Forellerne rinsed and rubbed inside and outside with salt and pepper. Fenikeltoppen and the corresponding quantity of chopped dill. Carrot and fenikel cut into small cubes. Gørnsagerne, dill and fenikeltop, pressed garlic, wine, cream, salt and pepper mixed in

Mains Peas Potatoes Garlic ...

The chicken is cooked in a pan with salt, pepper and garlic until it is tender, approximately 30 min. Legs and fur is taken from. Leeks cut into slices and broccoli heads cut from stems (stems cut into smaller pieces when they should be cooked a little more).

Mains Oil Milk Celery ...

Whip the cooked potatoes to mash with egg, milk, butter, salt and pepper. Cut the vegetables finely and fry them in oil with added Curry. Then add the beef forcemeat. When it is browned, add Bouillon, tomato paste, salt and pepper. Mix everything well and p

Mains Bacon, diced Pepper ell. paprika Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Cut the leeks into rings. Mix the potatoes, leeks and bacon in a greased ovenproof dish. season with salt and pepper. Put a few dabs of butter and pour cream over. Roast in the oven for approx. 45 min. to the vegetab

Soups Pepper Rosemary Salt ...

Carrots cut into small cubes. Also with the pores. Fry them with garlic in the oil and add the bullion, Rosemary, salt, pepper. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes, Add the peas, let it småsimre for a further 5 minutes then season to taste. Serve and garnish wi

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Low pie dough according to directions on the package and press it into a pie dish 27 cm. in diameter. The spinach squeezed free of moisture, sauté shortly on a frying pan in a little olive oil and place over the dough. Chicken meat into slices be added abov

Soups Salt Cauliflower head Pepper fruit ...

Clean the vegetables. Slice the carrots and leeks, sliced and part b the cabbage into small bouquets. Break the beans into smaller pieces. Melt the fat in a pan, and saute the carrots and beans in this 1 min., without vegetables bruner. Add soup and spices. Bo