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Recipes with Leeks

Mains Margarine Salt Eggs ...

Boil the chicken and pil it on. Season the margerie in a saucepan and bowl of peppers. Season leeks and peppers until they are golden and then bring cream and tomato pasta. Let the mixture boil until it thickens and season with salt and peppers. Must be a l

Soups Pepper Parsley Salt ...

The blue mussels are cleansed, those who have opened must be discarded unless they close again by a light bank against the edge of the table. The vegetables are cleansed and cut into very small terns. Vegetables and thyme are sautéed in the butter for 1-2 m

Mains Soy Bamboo shoots Chopped tomato ...

Season the beef until it is cooked. Then put the onions and stir them for approx. 5 min. Put the rest of the ingredients in and leave it for approx. 5 min. Cook the noodles for approx. 5 min. Then put them down to the court for 5 minutes. Server dish hot.

Mains Water Cauliflower Potatoes ...

The beef sprouts are covered with cold water in a spacious pot and put on low heat. When it starts to boil, grease and cloudiness shake away with a sauce. The beef sprouts boil for approx. 3 hours under the lid until it is tender. The vegetables are clea

Soups White pepper Salt Turmeric ...

Carrots, pears and potatoes are made and cut into thin slices. They are put into the grease in a saucepan. The turmeric is sprinkled and the broth is added. The soup is cooked by low heat until the vegetables are tender (about 20 min) The pot is taken from

Mains Freshly cooked pasta, rice or boiled potatoes Pepper Salt ...

Cut a pocket in each chicken breast and fill them with a pair of scallops and a small twig of rosemary. Close with a pinch and spice with salt and pepper. Clean the pears and cut them well. Brown the chicken breasts in a saucepan of butter and add the pears. L

Sauces Sprigs of thyme Cayenne pepper Concentrated tomato puree ...

The shells are shaken well, vegetables, tomato sauce, peppercorns, bay leaves, paprika, cayenne pepper are added and the whole is turned well. White wine and the fund are added and the whole is cooked well for 1-1½ hours. The shells are sifted and th

Desserts (patisserie) Pepper Salt Oil ...

Leek Filling: Cut the pears into slices and rinse them thoroughly. Season the pears in the oil, add whipped cream and let it boil. Add grated cheese and pepper to small tern and season with salt and pepper. Let it cool off. røsti: The potatoes are roug