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Recipes with Grated horseradish

Mains Pepper Roast potatoes Grated horseradish ...

Mix the minced meat with mustard, chopped capers and crushed garlic. Form the meat into four large patties. Fry them in Golden butter or margarine 3-5 min. on each side. Garnér steaks with grated horseradish and roasted potatoes.

Appetizers Wheat flour Milk Grated horseradish ...

Make a gravy of the broth, lemon juice and sugar-razed with meljævning. Season with lemon and sugar-both should be able to be tasted without clearly to drown. Cut the meat into slices and warm it in the sauce. Let it cool off and pull the taste. Peel the parsn

Mains Vinegars Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes: Prepare potato boats in the top as directed on the package. Cod: cut the fillets into 6 cm wide torke pieces, and put them in a baking dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put the fish in the oven for the last 10 minutes of the time the potatoes.

Appetizers Salt Vinegar Carrot ...

Put poul aden in a pot of water that just covers. Let it get a rehash and foam. Add the spices and vegetables. Let Cook for meat is tender, about 40 minutes, let cool in broth, poul aden if there is time, or must it be taken up and allow to cool. Remove skin a

Mains Feld, lettuce and endive Lemon Icing sugar ...

Honey marinated cranberries: Akacien warmed in the bowl in a water bath, then pour on honey pot and tranebærene added. Given a little rehash. Pull on ice 2 hours at 50 °. Peberrodsalaten: Cream whipped lightly and grated horseradish, lemon juice, powdered

Mains EVS. white wine vinegar, currants and blanched sugar White pepper Nutmeg ...

Boil water, salt and sugar up to salt and brown sugar is melted. Keel fitted sheet completely. Put beef breast in the brine so that it is covered completely. Put a plate on top, if desired. Let the meat pull 5 days. Peel the vegetables. Crack leeks and onio

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped beetroot ...

Mix all ingredients for the filling. Sprinkle steaks with salt and pepper. Favor filling on one half of the steak and put the other half over. Keep with kødnåle. Fry the steaks in butter 1-2 minutes on each side.

Sides Sugar Grated horseradish Water ...

The apples were peeled, cut into both and core are removed. The apples in a saucepan with the water and Cook, covered, until very tender. Whipped well through or rubbed through a sieve. Season with Horseradish and cool. Served with beef, venison, meatballs, sa