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Recipes with Eggs

Mains Forcemeat Pepper Salt ...

French bread cut into cubes and mix with the cream the day before, where the mixture "overnight" in the refrigerator. Forcemeat is mixed with finely grated onion, roughly chopped walnuts and bread mixture, salt and pepper. The goose is filled and closed

Receptions Salt Eggs Semi-skimmed milk ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm water. Make a batter of the udrørte yeast and the remaining ingredients. Roll the dough out with a rolling pin into a circle and share in 16 parts through the middle. Put a cocktail sausage (Not from canned) on every part that

Cakes Cardamom Milk Eggs ...

Flour, baking powder and cardamom sifted together. Cold solid margarine, chopped into. Sugar, eggs and milk together and pour in whipped. Dough kneaded with a spoon until it is uniform and glossy. Sukat added. The dough is added with two eating spoons of butte

Cold cuts Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

Cut packed into strips and boil it for about 5 minutes in 8 dl. water with thyme, Bay leaves and crushed pepper. Tag packed up and let it cool slightly. Run the hereafter together with liver, anchovy, onion, thyme and bay leaf (e) through the mincer and pip

Cookies Wheat flour FAT (no more else crumbles the) Eggs ...

The dough is kneaded for a smooth hard dough. Rolled into thin sausages and cut in not too thick slices. Be placed directly on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 200 ° in the upper Groove in 6-7 minutes until lightly golden. Pour them into a baking pan, where the

Mains EVS. cold water and salt Eggs Lemon ...

Provisioning: Fish pages cut lengthwise and crosswise into cubes of 1 x 1 cm. so that the meat is still bogged down in the skin. Fishing pages lay stretched out in the dish, sprinkled lightly with salt, that end added lemon græstop crushed with the back of a k

Mains Onion Green bell pepper Yellow bell pepper ...

Peppers, onions, nuts skærse into small cubes. place in Bowl. Add the Turkey 1 URæg.mel and stir it well. puff pastry sheets ruldes a little bit. advantage forcemeat on dough like a sausage and put the other plate on. cut the rest of the dough away so that the

Mains A couple of tablespoons. rendered Turkey fat or butter EVS. 2 tbsp. wheat flour Roll neck, wing tips and rump ...

Turkey broth: Hak kalkunens neck into smaller pieces with a heavy, sharp knife. Cut the two outer vingeled of the bird. Slice the rump of and remove the fat glands on the upper side of this. Do vegetables able and share them roughly. Hot fat in the not-t