Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Egg whites

Cake add-ons Lemon juice Coffee washer Cocoa ...

1. Mix egg whites, flour and lemon juice. 2. Put it over a saucepan with water in (the water should boil but watch out for the steam do not get into the marble) and whip so heavily in the mass until it's cool and smooth. 3. Add coffee, cocoa and nuts. 4. Pu

Desserts (patisserie) Almond essence Chopped dark chocolate Baking soda ...

Turn on your oven and set the temperature of 175 gr. C. Cover a frying pan with baking paper. Mix flour, cane sugar and baking soda. Cut your butter into the tern and let it crumble into the flour mixture. Add the egg yolks and stir them into the crumb.

Cakes in form Fruit Fill Hazelnuts ...

First, the cake itself: stir the butter and sugar on the foam and gradually whip the egg yolks. Mix the flour with baking soda and stir with a spoon alternately with the milk in the dough. They spread the dough into a well-stocked foil form, approx. 30x40 cm,

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Palmin Sugar ...

The yeast dissolves in the seam milk The egg yolks are stirred together with the flour, salt and sugar are added. Whip with a hand mixer. In a clean bowl of pure whip, whip the egg whites stiff and mix / fold carefully into the dough landing. Let rise ½ ho

Cakes Icing sugar Vinegar Roughly chopped dark chocolate ...

Whip egg whites stiff. Whip half of the sugar for a little while. Turn the rest of the sugar and vinegar in and whip until it is completely stiff. Peel the marcipan in the marlin, add flour and flip it quickly. Wide the marlin on a baking sheet with baking

Cookies Grated must of 2-3 lemons Wheat flour Melted butter ...

Whip the whites easily stiff. Mix the dry ingredients and add the butter and lemon peel to the end. Gather the dough well. It must be soft and float slightly on the plate. Heat the oven up to 170 g. Place the dough with a bag in small plates on the plate, whi

Desserts (cold) Cream fine 19% or a quart of whipping cream Small yoghurt 150 g with PEAR/banana taste Egg whites ...

Pour the 2 egg whites with the sugar into a bowl until it is white and airy. Then take a new bowl and whip the Cream fin / foil to soft "cream" foam. Mix the two pieces together and put the yogurt in. Chop the chocolate with a sharp knife (easier than tearing

Cakes Bicarbonate of soda Baking soda Butter ...

Sieve / mix the dry parts together. Bring eggs, melt butter and water and whisk with mixer. Bake for approx. 15-20 minutes at 170 degrees C. until the bottom is fixed. The egg whites are whipped stiff and sugar (and possibly cocoa *) is whipped in. Th