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Recipes with Egg whites

Desserts (cold) Egg whites Whipped cream Strawberries (fresh or frozen) ...

Strawberry whipped / mashed with mixer / blender and sugar sprinkled over. Egg whites and cream are whipped separately. It all mixes easily and is placed in the freezer 2 hours before serving. Occasionally, stir the mousse over the 2 hours of stiffening in the

Desserts (cold) Sugar Dark chocolate, like guanaja 70% Soft unsalted butter ...

Melt the chocolate slowly in a bowl in a water bath. Whip it with the soft butter in a large bowl. Whip the egg whites foaming with an electric hand whip. Add a sprig of sugar and continue to whip at low speed. When the sugar is dissolved, the speed increas

Desserts (cold) Walnut kernels Water Black currant concentrate ...

The soaked house leaf is melted in boiling water and immediately arrived in the black currant evening. The cream and egg whites are whipped separately and both are turned in. Put a crushed macaroni in the bottom of each serving glass and benefit the sunbathing

Desserts (cold) Egg whites Yogurt Sugar or a little "sweet" ...

Mix yogurt and sugar and add the jam. Put the mixture in the freezer for 1-2 hours. Stir it occasionally. Whip the egg whites stiff. Turn them into the yoghurt mass. Replace the freezer for 1-2 hours. Stir it occasionally. The sorbet must be soft during servin

Desserts (cold) A little chopped nuts Egg whites Large very ripe pears ...

The pears are peeled and cut into small pieces and frozen, preferably the day before. Get frozen in the blender together with egg whites and blend to an even mass. Get in porselein and decorate with chopped nuts.

Desserts (cold) Grated zest and juice of 1 orange Zest and juice of 1 lemon White wine ...

Boil the water and sugar for 3-4 min. And let it go down. Mix the peel and juice from orange and lemon and white wine. Mix well and leave the half-freeze for approx. 2 hours. Stir occasionally. When the ice is porridge, the 2 egg whites whip very stiff and

Desserts (cold) Sweetener-equivalent to 100 gr sugar Vanillie Chopped almonds (6-8 pieces) ...

Egg yolks, sweeteners, vanilla grains and lemon juice are whipped together. Ylette and almonds added. The soaked, melted husbals are stirred in. When the stomach starts to stiff, the poisoned egg whites are reversed. The oven is placed in the refrigerato

Desserts (cold) Milk Salt Vanilla ...

Peel the kiwis and cut them into slices. Overhang the macaroons with sherry. Bring egg yolks, sugar, potato flour, milk and vanilla grains to boiling point with strong whipping. Let it cool. Put macros, vanilla cream and kiwi dishes in a ovenproof form. Whip t