Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dry white wine

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

The birds are boned and thighs folds down on the leg so there comes a collar around the thick part of the thigh. Brown first in a little butter in frying pan and FRY further in the oven at 200o in ca. 15 minutes Port wine and white wine as well as fund pour

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

The birds are boned and thighs folds down on the leg so there comes a collar around the thick part of the thigh. Brown first in a little butter in frying pan and FRY further in the oven at 200 Degrees for about 15 minutes Port wine and white wine as well as

Mains Pepper Salt Sour cream 38% ...

Cut the rabbit in serving pieces and sprinkle salt and pepper on them. The onions peeled and chopped. Heat the butter in a frying pan, add the rabbit meat, liver and the chopped onion. Saute them, stirring with a wooden spoon, the pieces of meat are beautifull

Soups The white of 2 leeks Celeriac Whipped cream ...

Start with cleaning the vegetables and cut them into smaller piece. Sauté them in a pan in butter. Add spices and tomato puree. Drag it from the heat. The live lobsters, and the cutting of clubs and body. FRY in hot oil until they start to change color, where

Sauces Freshly ground white pepper The juice of ½ a lemon Salt ...

Prepare the clarified butter and let it cool off. Warm white wine in a saucepan together with white wine vinegar, shallots and half of estragonen. Reduce to only 1-2 tbsp. back. Fit it through a sieve. Pour it into a saucepan, which is placed over a wate

Soups A little fresh grated nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Halve skalotte the onions and cut them into thin slices, and then cooked in melted butter. Hats off to 1øgene oysters came and sauté them for 3 minutes while stirring. Sprinkle flour in the mushrooms and let it bake well through. Pour little by little

Mains The hats from morklerne Oil for frying Pepper ...

Peel and slice the onions, carrots and celery in centimeter-sized pieces. Put the vegetables in a large saucepan and brown them in oil until they have gotten good with color. Add morklerne (ovaries) and pour the wine, port wine, cognac and veal Fund at. Add

Mains Sprinkle of 1 bdt. minced parsley Should of 1 lemon Pepper ...

Flip kødskiverne in flour which is spiked with salt and pepper. Brown in butter diligent on the forehead then added in an ovenproof dish. Add the coarsely chopped peeled tomatoes and white wine. Set the dish in the oven with a lid for about 1 ½ hour at 200 deg