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Recipes with Cucumber

Mains Pepper Salt Ground coriander ...

Here's how to do: 1. Heat the oven up to 200 degrees. Soy4you soaked in the mixture of 1 liter of boiling water and broth dice. Set aside for 3-5 minutes. Then quench the remaining water. 2. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add Soy4you, chopped garlic, coriander

Mains Ketchup Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes, cucumbers and onions are cut into small tern and mixed. Mayonnaise and creme fraice are mixed. The dressing is seasoned with salt, pepper and sugar. Dressing and potato blend are mixed together, cooked to and cold for serving. Server potato sa

Lunch Lemon juice Curry Pepper ...

A pan of oil is heated and the chicken breast is seasoned with salt and pepper. Shake the toast bread. Stir all the ingredients to the dressing together and taste it. Set the sandwich with green, meat and dressing. tips: Cooking time is max 30 min.

Breakfast & brunch Fine salt Soft butter Fresh fintklippet chives ...

Stir or blend half of the cheese with smoked chopped salmon to a pink curd. Grease it on 6 slices of bread and put them together with other 6 slices of bread and a salad leaf. Cut the slices diagonally and in quarter pieces to make 24 small triangular sandwich

Salads Cucumber Beet root Snack pepper ...

Cut the cocktail sausages into three pieces and put them in a bowl. Cut the snack pepper and cucumber into small squares and put them in the bowl. Peel carrots and beetroot and tear both. Mix the salad in the bowl.

Salads Cucumber Mango Cooked chicken cubes ...

Cut all the vegetables into small tern and mix them with the chicken in a bowl.

Salads Cucumber Avocado Carrot ...

Cut avocado and cucumber in tern. Peel and tear the carrot. Mix vegetables with chicken in a bowl.

Salads Cucumber Red bell pepper Ham strips ...

Peel the carrots and tear them down. Cut cucumbers and peppers into small terns. Mix all vegetables and ham stews in a bowl.