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Recipes with Cucumber

Mains Dressing EVS. 1 small chili EVS. 1 tablespoon barbecue barbecue sauce ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions. Whip tomato juice, oil, crushed garlic and finely chopped basil and 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley and taste with peppers, approx. 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt and pepper. Cut the peppers into small terns.

Mains Pepper Salt Dried oregano ...

Place the meat in a marinade of crushed garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and chopped sage for 1-12 hours in the refrigerator. Dip the yogurt 1 / 2-1 hours into a coffee filter. Peel and tear the cucumber roughly. Take care of. Stir yogurt, garlic and cucumber

Mains Freshly ground pepper Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt ...

The thawed shrimp are put in marinade of lemon juice, chilisauce, garlic, salt and pepper in min. Half an hour before grilling on barbecue or grilling pan. The iceberg salad is rinsed, dried and torn / cut into smaller pieces. Cut the roots into thin boats,

Salads Cucumber Peach cut into slices Pitted cherries ...

The salad leaves are flushed and arranged on a dish. First place the peach and cucumber discs and then the cherries and chopped almonds.

Mains Honey Olive oil Pepper ...

Chop 1 onion and 4 cloves of garlic. Sprinkle and chop olives roughly. Mix all the ingredients of meatballs and shape the balls. Wash the potatoes and cut them in both. Half cut and cut into slices. Forge onion and potatoes in a dish and add olive oil, salt

Pickling Chili Pepper Salt ...

Slice the cucumber into thin slices and salt them with light hand. Bring the slices into a light pressure sieve for 30 minutes. Then rinse the salt of the cucumber discs and press them out of water. Boil vinegar with sugar, pepper and laurel leaves for appro

Dressing Cucumber Garlic Salt ...

Rip cucumbers roughly. Bring the cucumber in a clean cloth and squeeze as much water as possible. Chop white or use a garlic press. Mix all the ingredients together. Use Greek yoghurt by preference. I spend 2.5 dl when I want to have many cucumbers

Mains Cucumber Iceberg lettuce Red onion ...

BOTTOM Cut cauliflower into small pieces. Blend cauliflower with spelled blender in a bowl or in a food processor. Put the parmesan cheese, egg, garlic, salt and nutmeg into the mixture and blend it. Put the dough in dish with baking paper. Bake the base at 2