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Recipes with Chili

Mains Chili Garlic Pepper ...

Accessories: corn chips, creme fraice, chopped parsley. Just mix and heat until it has a consistency so you can scoope it up on the chips and eat it as hapher. tips: No salt you get from chips

Mains Chili A cheap white wine that fits in well with shellfish Pepper ...

Garlic and onions are chopped in a large saucepan or wok. A whole bottle of white wine is poured together with garlic and onions. Allow to simmer until the alcohol is evaporated. Then add 1/2 liter of whipped cream under the riot. Season with salt and pepp

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Chili ...

Grind the cheeses (or use cheese that has already been torn). Add water to boil soup horns. Put the butter in a large saucepan and add a flour and cook. Add the milk a bit, so that the mass becomes even and thickened. Add the cheeses to the milk together wit

Mains Pepper Salt Chili ...

Chop the onions and garlic. The chicken is cooked on a hot forehead with a little olive oil and good with freshly squeezed pepper. When the chicken pieces have taken a little color, add onion and garlic. Step on for approx. 1/2 minute - while chopping the t

Mains Pepper Salt Fish broth ...

The salmon is cut into small tern and cooked golden, put the salmon on a hot dish. Cut the vegetables in slices and fry for 2-5 minutes, put them on the dish with the lacquer. Add finely chopped chilli, garlic and grated ginger for approx. 2 min, add soy and f

Soups Chili White wine Ginger ...

Take a large piece of stanniol and pour oil, salt and pepper on. The mussels are laid in the middle and the scallops are laid on top. At the top the prawns are laid. Fold the tuna roll over the seafood. Before closing the last side add a little water (white wi

Mains Pepper Salt Chili ...

The liver is cut into thin slices which are turned into the mixture of flour, curry, salt and pepper and slightly fried in the heated oil approx. 5 minutes. Then they are put in a dish. The onions are sliced ​​and sliced ​​with the crushed garlic. Carrots, chi

Mains Chili Chili powder Bay leaves ...

Chicken and lamb pieces are wrapped in palm oil with onions, peeled chopped tomatoes and chili. Add tomato paste and simmer for 1/2 hour. Then brothel, masala spice, steak and bay leaves are added, and the dishes simulate for another hour. Now add green