Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celeriac

Soups Salt Kale. fresh Peppercorns, black ...

Came the meat in a saucepan with water to cover and bring to a slow boil. Foam soup well once it boils, so all impurity comes away. Peel the potatoes, carrots and celery. Add the vegetables, salt and whole peppercorns to the soup and cook them for about 20

Mains A little cayenne pepper Pepper Salt ...

Basic mayonnaise: stir egg yolks with salt, vinegar and mustard. Then stir in the oil in a thin beam of the egg yolks while whipped/blended. Season with salt and pepper. Mayonnaisen to taste with cayenne pepper. Grate the peel of a grater into long strips a

Sides A little cayenne pepper Pepper Salt ...

Basic mayonnaise: stir egg yolks with salt, vinegar and mustard. Then stir in the oil in a thin beam of the egg yolks while whipped/blended. Season with salt and pepper. Mayonnaisen to taste with cayenne pepper. Grate the peel of a grater into long strips a

Soups Suit Paprika Butter ...

Ox tails are shared by the joints, rinse and wipe. Brown the butter in a pan and sauté the tail pieces together with the cleaned and shared vegetables. Add the water, brought to the boil and skimmed carefully. He then met salt, paprika and tomato past

Mains Lemon juice Minced parsley Olive oil ...

Roastbeffen seasoned with salt and pepper. Put in the oven at 225 C for approx. 15 min. Temperturen is now down to 160 C and roastbeffen FRY further for about 25 – 30 min. (roast thermometer should display 50-55 (C)). Mushrooms cleaned and cut into quarters. C

Mains Pepper Rye flour Salt ...

The cleaned and chopped vegetables cooked letsprøde and addressed. The top fillets of plaice were found inside cut up out against the Finns. Do not cut completely through out to the Finns. The fillets are folded around to form an opening and the leg is free. F

Salads Peanuts unsalted Apples Plain yogurt ...

Grate the celery and apples coarsely. Pour over youghurten and peanuts in and mix it URhele.lad it soak 2 hours before severing. Is good old-fashioned beef roast or upto to a salad bar.