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Recipes with Celeriac

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Leeks and onions chopped fine, the rest of the vegetables coarsely torn. Mix the vegetables with the chicken forcemeat. Add the oatmeal and eggs as needed. Season with salt and pepper. Form into meatballs and FRY in pan. Tips: Can be served with fresh p

Mains Celeriac Pepper Salt ...

Do vegetables able and cut them into strips and saute them in butter in a saucepan. Cod fillet is distributed on 4 pieces of tinfoil and seasoned with salt and pepper. Came the vegetables on top of the fish and fold the aluminium foil to 4 packages. Bake

Mains Pepper Curry Onion ...

Do vegetables clean Peel and grate them on a coarse grater arrow and slice the onion into cubes. melt the margarine and Brown onions came in and Brown with the meat Came the crack vegetables spices tomato puree salt and water in the pot mix it well and let

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the aubergines into slices and sprinkle them with salt and let them stand for 10 min. Dup in paper towel, brush with oil and fry them on both sides in the oven at 250 degrees C alm. oven about 20 minutes until lightly golden. Vegetable sauces: Chop all

Mains Pepper Salt Celeriac ...

clean and cut the katofler and selerri in tærn ca. 1 x 1 cm slice the pores in fine rings approx. 0.5 cm. cut gullerøderne into slices approximately 1 cm. thick. Cruiser koteletterne with salt and pepper Brown them well butter (in a wide saucepan) flip all the

Sides Olive oil Pepper Rosemary, fresh ...

The vegetables are cleaned or peeled off. Root vegetables cut into small pieces, put in a bowl or plastic bag. Oil, garlic and spices is poured over the root vegetables and shake well so oil and spices are distributed well. Poured out on baking pan or he

Mains Chopped tomatoes, canned Curry Paprika ...

The onions cut into slices. Carrots and celery into sticks. Koteletterne plumped, sprinkled with salt and pepper and Brown in a pan, take up. Onions, carrots, celery, curry powder and paprika svitstes. Add the chopped tomatoes, along with piskefløden.

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Parsley Butter ...

Wild-duck breast: Thighs cut from the fur skinned off. The Brown in a pan. Sky, skimmed milk and parsley added and this some gruel is on a low heat for about 1 hour, or to the thighs are tender. Take your thighs up. Add the madkulør and style the gravy to co