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Recipes with Celeriac

Soups Concassé of tomatoes 2 Pastadej Celeriac ...

It's all mixed and kneaded well together, to the texture is supple-made to rest. Shank brunes, 1 leek, 1 carrot, 1 celeriac, 1 diced cooked in broth parsnips in the grove, to the whole thing is tender. The broth sifted, and the flesh peeled from the shank.

Mains Pepper Rosemary, fresh Salt ...

Cut a few cut in the outer tendons in each kødskive, as dents de not. Season the slices with salt and pepper. Chop the onion and garlic. Peel the carrots. Cleanse the pores and share them in 6 cm long sticks. Slice the carrots into 4 cm long pieces. Heat th

Mains Duck fat or clarified butter Butter Soup may ...

Cut pheasant breasts off, but let the meat stay on the breast bone. Part then the pheasant in the back, thighs and drumsticks. Cut the meat from the thighs and cut it then into strips. Do the herbs to the Fund. Cut the herbs rough and Brown in a thick-botto

Mains Pepper Salt Celeriac ...

Cut the meat into cubes of 1 x 1 cm. Crack the Chili's and remove the seeds. Then chop the chilies, onion and garlic finely. Sauté it all in oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the spices, tomatoes cut into cubes and water. Let it all småsimre, covered, for

Mains A small piece lemon peel Cognac Peppercorns, black ...

The meat is cut into serving pieces and place in a plastic bag with the bacon. The vegetables cut into coarse pieces and mix with the other ingredients for the marinade. Pour over the meat and close the bag. Put it in the refrigerator a day time. The mea

Mains Onion Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Peel peeled and cut into slices, boil in salted water 10-12 minutes. Turn the slices in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs mixed with a smuggled salt. FRY then on the forehead. The onion cut into slices and FRY in the pan.

Soups Pepper Chives, fresh Salt ...

Jorskokkerne peeled and cut into slices-also the potatoes. The onions cut into thin slices. Celery is peeled and cut into slices-also the carrots. All the vegetables FRY in margarine. When they are slightly Golden, add salt, pepper and broth soup. Put a lid

Mains Whipped cream Coarse salt Celeriac ...

Put poularden into a saucepan with cold salted water and boil up the vegetables Do able. Meanwhile, pour them down to poularden when the water is boiling and cook it all in 30 mins. Tag so the whole celery up and let rest 30 minutes to cook. The soup throug