Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Salads A38 Lemon juice Red onion ...

Cut the mango into cubes. Grate the carrots. Chop the onion finely. Mix it all together. Pour A 38 over and season with lemon juice.

Lunch (to go) Bay leaves Oil Pepper ...

Wash the vegetables and cut them into coarse pieces. Got them in a pan with about 3 l. water. Add the seasoning and bring to the boil. When the water boils, add the meat. Let it simmer for about an hour and 40 minutes. The pot is taken by the heat and cool

Drinks (cold) Cucumber Leaf celery Carrots ...

Juices. Drunk within 15 min. Tips: For more variety, onion/ginger/garlic/parsley/Basil etc. juices with.

Sauces Pepper Salt Pineapple ...

The top and bottom of the peppers, and cut the shared lengthwise into 10-15 pieces. Onion cut into slices. Tomatoes is divided in half and each half cut into 4 pieces. Carrots cut into pieces that are 3-4 cm. long and sliced lengthwise 2 times. Spring onions c

Appetizers Pepper Salt Onion ...

Turbot: Pighvaren cut in 4 pieces à 125 g. They cut pieces out in a greased pan with salt, pepper and 1 dl white wine. Steamed 5 minutes on low heat. Rest 5 minutes. The sauce: Carrots and onions peeled and cut into thin slices. The herbs in a pot containin

Mains Pancakes Pepper Pepper. White ...

Stir ingredients together in a bowl of pancake batter. First stirred egg and flour together, add the milk gradually so that the dough will be klumpfri and let it stand in the refrigerator at least half an hour. Low kødsovsen before you fry the pancakes. Bro

Soups Sour cream Finely chopped chives Finely grated carrot ...

The onions peeled and chopped Carrots peeled and grated celery cut into thin strips All the vegetables FRY in oil (save a little grated carrot for garnish) The red lentils rinse in cold water and add to the vegetables along with the broth. The soup is cooked f

Mains Soy sauce Coriander. leaves. fresh Red chili pepper ...

Heat a little oil in the wok, roast the meat for 2 minutes. Take the meat up and they came fintsnittede vegetables in, toasting in 3 minutes. Put the meat back in the wok. Add fintsnittet chilli and soy sauce to taste. Turn finally right with fresh coria