Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Capers

Mains Eggs Chopped shallots Wheat flour ...

Came the flesh in a bowl and season well with salt and pepper. Wash and chop the parsley, drainage. Add the vegetables and parsley to the meat and mix it well together. Form four patties and turn them in flour, beaten egg and bread crumbs together. Fry them th

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Fold the cod fillets and season. with salt and pepper. Fry the cod fillets 1 min. in olive oil on a medium-hot pan. Add water and lemon juice and steam the fish 5-6 min., covered, on low heat. Take the fish up and keep it warm. Halve the tomatoes, remove th

Salads Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Scrub the potatoes well and let them cook for 15 min. Flush them with cold water, Willow them and let them be cold. Boil the eggs until they are hard boiled, 8-10 min. Flush them in cold water, Willow them and share them into quarters. Rinse, nip and halve th

Appetizers Lemon juice Minced garlic Capers ...

Warm half olive oil and half the butter in a frying pan. Rose scampierne gently for up to 10 minutes. Better too little than too much. They don't get too much (dry). Add garlic, parsley, capers and good with a little lemon juice. Scampierne do not drown smags

Sides Capers Olive oil Shallots ...

Peel the potatoes and beetroot, grate them, and toss them with salt and pepper, chopped olives and shallots. Pour half of the oil in a hot pan, beetroot-potato mass came on, and sauté the 3-4 min to mass starts to stick. Turn up the heat, and form the mass

Mains Pepper Salt Little ds. sardeller ...

Water, oil, salt and yeast whipped together. Herein is stirred flour to a slightly loose dough. Knead quickly along with extra flour. The dough will be honored in a oil greased layer cake form. Highlights covered in a warm place for 20 minutes. Gently be st

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, thereof ...

Go after the fillets for bones. Cut them through once lengthwise and once on the cross. Aromatic skin side of hornfiske pieces, with chopped dill, lemon juice and rind. Roll the fillets with skin inwards. Steam about 15 minutes in a 180 degrees c. alm. oven

Mains Eggs Tarragon, fresh Onion ...

Grate the onion and stir all ingredients together Form forcemeat for meatballs with a spoon and fry them until they are through fried.