Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Capers

Sides Anna and claras almonds Flat-leaf parsley Hokaido (butter nut) ...

Inserts squashen into 1 cm thick slices. Hokaidoen peeled and cut into thin slices. Hokaido (Butter nut) and Zucchini sprinkled with salt while they are on a tea towel. This will cause the water to a spring forward on them, and make them crisper after they

Appetizers Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Cod: brine is boiled up, cooled by and cod cured for approximately 6 hours. The cod then cut into thin slices. Red beet tartare: everything except oil and lemon juice run into granules at foodprosessor. Add the oil and juices. Let it soak for at least 1 hour.

Dressing Pepper Salt Onion ...

Onion peeled chopped fine. Eggs cooked so they become hard boiled. Capers and pickled cucumbers are chopped finely. When the eggs are picked they must be pressed through a sieve and add mayonaisen together with capers, pickled cucumbers and finely chopped onio

Mains Lemon pepper Whole peppercorns Bay leaves ...

Rinse the cod slices. Bring a pot of water to a boil with the salt, a couple of Bay leaves and 6-8 the whole peppercorns. Put fish strips in turn off under the Pan, put a lid on and let the fish get into the warm syrup on after the heat for about 15 minutes or

Mains Lemon slices for garnish Capers Pepper ...

Mix the meat with the grated onion and form forcemeat for four oval karbonader. Sprinkle with pepper and brown them in fat on either side. Sprinkle them with a little salt, turn down the heat and fry them finished, as they now desired. Grøntsagsstuvning: cut t

Sides Lemon juice Egg yolk Capers ...

The lid is cut of the tomatoes and the eroded. The rest are mixed together and filled into the tomatoes, place the lid on. Be made in the oven 20 min. by 175-200 gr.

Appetizers Lemon juice Egg yolk Capers ...

All ingridienser are mixed together. The tomatoes being eroded and filled. Put a lid on. Be made in the oven about 20 minutes at 175-200 gr.

Mains Lemon juice A small piece of cabbage A small piece of celery ...

Got all the ingredients for the burgers in a bowl and stir them together. Form the mass to 4 flat burgers and fry them in oil in a frying pan, about 3 minutes on each side. Grate the carrot and celery and cut the cabbage finely. Stir it together with capers, m