Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Chopped tomatoes Kalvebov or kamsteg Curry ...

Saute the Curry and paprika in a little fat and brung shoulders or kamstegen well. Peel the carrots, parsley roots and potatoes. Cut them into cubes. Com root vegetables at the meat and add the broth, cream and chopped tomatoes. The roast should be covered

Soups Groftkværnet pepper Parsley Paprika ...

Leeks cut into thin slices. Gulerøder and parsley root cut into cubes. Sauté the vegetables in a pan in the margarine. The flour is stirred to jævning and heldes. Salt spices and broth are added. The soup småkoger, covered, about 15 mins. Season with salt

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Sauté the minced beef along with the finely chopped onion, add the finely chopped bell peppers and tomato puree '. season with salt, pepper and oregano and pour broth by. Let kødsovsen tingle about 10 minutes, let it get cold. 2 sheets puff pastry roll out a

Mains Fintsigtet bread crumbs Wheat flour White pepper ...

Grease the edge cut partially free and Striploin plastered free of tendons and loosened from the anchovies, if desired. Beef Striploin is placed on a rack over a roasting pan, season with salt and pepper, and FRY further in the oven at 225 degrees c. alm. o

Soups Broth Cream White wine ...

Chicken pieces fry on pan and set aside All the vegetables are cut into ensformede pieces the oil is heated and karryen added when karryen begins to heat is reduced and onions add scents Sauté in 2-3 my The heat is put up and the other vegetables are

Soups Cream Parsley Broth ...

1) Average pores fine 2) Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. 3) came the leeks and potatoes in a saucepan and cook up with the broth. Let the soup simmer for 15 minutes. 4) Rinse and pick the parsley. 5) Blend soup, leek and potatoes w

Mains Cognac Sour cream Fresh basil ...

Chop the shallots, hvidlæg and mushroom. FRY it all in oil in a frying pan. Then remove the linked ca. 3-5 min. on each side in a mixture of oil and butter and season with salt and pepper. Keep the meat hot. Boil the pan with a little cognac and broth. Add

Mains Jævning Salt Curry ...

Cut the meat into cubes and Brown it in half of the fat. Cut the cleaned Leek into slices. Peel the apples (remove core House) and cut them into small pieces. Saute the leeks, apples and Curry in the rest of the fat. Came the meat in the Pan and pour the broth