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Recipes with Basil

Mains Basil Oil Pepper ...

Start peeling the potatoes, then chop them out and put some oil on them and sprinkle some basil and oregano over them. Put them in the oven at 175 degrees and leave them for approx. 45 minutes. While in the oven, take the meat and cut it into small tern / e

Soups Lemon Pepper Salt ...

Sauté the onions in the oil. Melét in the mix. Add the stormy bullion water, tomato, chili, púre & kryderierne. Let it simmer under low heat for approx. ½ hour. Then remove the Pan from the heat and blend it with any. a hand blender. The soup is heate

Mains Basil A smuggle Curry Freshly ground pepper ...

Dough fragments of yeast in a bowl, came there after the water, stir in salten it together to the yeast is dissolved. came the oil in and there after hvedemelen little by little. Let the then raise in 30 min Fill they came chopped tomatoes in a bowl s

Sides Basil Pepper Salt ...

Start with cutting the tomatoes over in half. Blend the 5 half-tomatoes to the still serious. Click the last tomato in your hand so it is extra rough. Cut onion fine. Pressure or chop the garlic. Mix the onions in the tomatoes. Season with Chili, Basil,

Pickling Preservative Turmeric Celery salt ...

Remove kernels from squashen and cut it into cubes. Inserts peberne into strips and onions in rings. Mix squash pepper and onion and pour the cold brine over. Let it soak until the next day. Pour the brine from and let the vegetables drip. Bring vinegar, sug

Pickling Basil Honey Olive oil ...

Mix all the ingredients well

Breakfast & brunch Basil A few sksk milk A little oil for frying ...

Whisk eggs, seasonings and milk together with a fork. Heat a frying pan up, like a sliplet pan, if not, add the oil. Pour the egg mixture on the forehead when the oil is hot. Crumble the cheese over just before omeletten is finished. Fold in half and let th

Mains Basil Garlic-aftertaste Mint ...

For the salsa verde, chopped garlic and herbs, anchovy filet'er, pickled cucumbers and capers finely. The whole thing is mixed with olive oil. Then add dijon mustard, vinegar. Season with salt. Beware of the anchovies are salty. Let the salsa stand in refriger