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Recipes with Basil

Various Basil Pepper Rosemary ...

Cut the top of the tomatoes and pour them out. The tomato stock is boiled with vinegar, approx. 15 min. And squeezed through a sieve (the liquid is to be used) the dough is dazzled and mixed with castello, egg yolk, spices. Peel the pine nuts, about half of t

Sides Pepper Salt Basil ...

Grease the bottom of a refractory dish (about 25 * 25 cm) with olive oil Cover the bottom of the dish with squash slices to overlap each other. Distribute half of the basil on the squash. Sprinkle with half the chopped onions. Then a layer of tomato slices so

Mains Basil Finthakkes A little water ...

Mix it all and cook at low heat for 2-3 hours Finally cook pasta and mix it together at last. Cook with parmasan cheese

Salads Basil Flat-leaf parsley Olive oil ...

Mash the feta with a fork and stir it up with a little olive oil. Chop the basil and broadly parsley finely and tear 1 to 2 tsp. Lemon peel roughly. Season with lemon juice. Cut a red apple into small fine thin slices and add to the end.

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Add finely chopped onions and the 2 crushed garlic cloves, add beef and brown with oregano and basil. Chopped peeled tomatoes are added. Boil and add tomato pure and small boil with a little salt and pepper. Blend 2 tablespoons of parmesan cheese with ricca

Soups Basil Oregano Pepper ...

Season potatoes, leek garlic and celery in oil for 2 minutes. Add spices and boulion. When it boils turn down 1 and simmer for half an hour. Blend the soup and boil it up. Severes with coarse bread or flute tips: Can be severed with toasted parma ham on to

Lunch Basil Pepper Smoked bacon ...

The eggs are whipped thoroughly. Sprinkle, onion and squasch stir in, as well as chopped basil salt and pepper. Bring in a greased refractory dish and bake 50 min. At 200 g Bacon cut / cut into smaller pieces over the cake and bake / fry with them Last 15 mi

Mains Whole grain lasagna sheets Ketchup A little extra water ...

Thaw the salmon up and possibly. the spinach Got a little oil in a pan. Slice the onion, garlic and bell pepper into fine pieces and sauté it for a few minutes. Slice the squash, eggplant, mushrooms and spring onions into pieces and sauté it with in a few m