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Recipes with Apples

Drinks (cold) Cut peaches into cubes Apples Bananas ...

Cut the bananas, apples and strawberries into small terns. Put them in a blender with the peaches. Leave for half an hour and add milk. Let it stand and become liquid. Server with beautiful glass mug and decoration with lemon shells. tips: Use blender

Pickling Red chili Water Calamondin (or other citrus fruit) ...

Cut the calamondines into small terns, remove cores and possibly. The white in the middle. Clean the chili for cores and cut it into a very small tern. Boil calamondin and chili with a little water for 15-30 minutes. Peel the apples and cut into smaller pie

Desserts (cold) Banana Honey Apples ...

1. Cut the oranges over and squeeze them. 2. Measure how much juice you have pressed there should be 2dl. 3. Cut the apples into 4 pieces and cut out the cutters. 4. Roll the banana and splice it into 4 pieces. 5. Put yogurt and orange juice in the food pr

Salads Orange juice of one Orange Small feds garlic NET Brussels sprouts ...

The rosemary beans are cleansed and whipped cream. It's all chopped in a raw machine or another orange squeezed over and ready for serving

Cakes Fignepålæg Hazelnuts Almonds ...

Turn on the oven at 170 degrees. Mix flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, egg and milk together. Chop almonds and hazelnuts to a suitable size. Cut the fig set of sweets and apples to the coin size. Mix in another bowl of dried fruit, raisins, orange peel

Salads Red bell pepper Bean sprouts Apples ...

Start boiling the rice, boil for 15 minutes. While boiling, put the salad into a bowl and tear the apple on a grater and season the pepper in the tern and put into the bowl and put the rest of the ingredients in. Let the rice cool off before you get them in th

Cakes in form Apples Wheat flour for apples Cardamom ...

Peel the apples and cut them into smaller pieces. Cut the nuts. Whip egg and sugar lightly and foaming until the sugar is dissolved. Mix flour and baking soda and cardamom into a bowl and then sift it into the egg mixture. Gently stir it together. Shake the ap

Cakes in form Wheat flour Milk Syrup (preferably light) ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees and butter a spring shape (about 26 cm.) With butter. Stir butter and sugar creamy, stir the eggs at one time. Add vanilla. Sift flour with baking soda and stir in the dough alternately with the milk. Fill the dough int