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Recipes with Apples

Mains Suit Pepper Whipped cream ...

Start removing any. Inmate in another. Then cut the 2 outermost joints of the wings, halve and brown them in a little butter pot, and when they are well brown pour water over, approx. 8 dl. And it cooks until another is finished. The other is filled with ap

Desserts (warm) Macaroons Vanilla pod Apples ...

Cut the fruit into small pieces and put it in a saucepan. Fold the vanilla and put the cows in the pan. Cut the rest of the vanilla bar into 2-3 pieces and put them in the pan. Turn up the heat and let it boil for five minutes, then turn to a low degree and

Cakes in form Baking soda Sugar (thick) apricot jam ...

Stir electricity. Whip the soft butter with the sugar and add the eggs one at a time. Mix flour, vanilla and baking powder and stir in. Fill the dough in a well-rounded 4-lined form (about 2 liters) or in a spring shape (24-26 cm in diameter). Half the appl

Cakes in form Apples Cinnamon sugar Milk or cream ...

Whip butter and sugar well together. Add the eggs 1 at a time and stir well. Mel + rest is moved easily and quickly in. Apples peeled and cut into slices. Put on the cake and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. The cake fits a spring shape - double serving for s

Fruits Abrikosmos Water Apples ...

Findel butter in the flour and mix sugar. Collect the dough with cold water. Roll it out after it has been cold for half an hour. Bring the dough into a greased pie and preheat at 175ºC for 10 minutes. Peel the apples and cut them into very narrow boats. Put t

Desserts (cold) Orange Banana Bulb ...

Cut out the fruit and mix it together in a nice bowl. Chop the chocolate well and sprinkle it on top of the fruit. tips: You can eat the moisture with some Cremefraiche or yogurt. If it's a little sweeter, put a little bit of vanilla sugar in the cremefra

Salads Juice from 1/4 lemon Walnuts Apples ...

The celery is cut into thin slices and apples cut into cubes (it can also be roughened. The grapes are halved and the rocks are taken out.) Mayonnaise is stirred with creme fraiche, chicory and lemon juice. Apples, celery, grapes and chopped walnuts are stirre

Mains Rice Piquant cream cheese (yellow) Bacon (sliced or diced) ...

Mushrooms, onions and apples (peeled) cut into suitable pieces. Same with bacon if bought in slices. The pork tenderloin is cleaned and cut into suitable slices. They then brown on a forehead (just brownish superficially, not to be finished). They then come