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Recipes with Apples

Cakes in form Milk Canola oil Baking soda ...

You start shredding the apples and cut them into the tern. Then pour them into a bowl and mix the cinnamon. It must stand and pull while the dough is mixed. Start pouring rapeseed oil into a bowl, then whip the sugar and vanilla sugar until it is white and

Mains Fresh herbs (according to taste) Curry Chicken Fund ...

Thoroughly heat the cast iron casserole before use, pour as much as possible. A little water at the bottom so it does not get too hot for fire. The onions are chopped roughly and browned in a good oiled dish. Then fry the chicken, cut into suitable pieces u

Drinks (cold) Apples Peaches Grapes ...

Cut the apples and peaches and put them in the blender together with the grapes and ice cubes. You can get some vanilla sugar in if you want a little sweeter. tips: Does not look good, you taste good.

Cakes in form Cinnamon sugar Baking soda Margarine ...

Melt the margarine and mix it with sugar and stir it softly. Add the eggs, mix baking soda and finally mix the flour gradually. Pour the dough into a greased form. Peel the apples and cut them into slices. Put the apples on the dough and sprinkle with cinn

Mains Pepper Cream Salt ...

Pil onion, peel the apples and cut them into the tern. Sweat curry in the margarine. The apples and onions come in. After 3 min. Enter the meat, sprinkle the flour and stir until it is mixed. The water is added. Shall bite for approx. 20-30 min. Then the cre

Cakes in form Apple bread crumbs Raspberry juice/Compote/Marmalade Wheat flour ...

Dough: Mix flour, sugar and butter to a dough. (The consistency must be formable and could stick. If the dough is too "crumbling" then add more butter) remember to save some dough to the last part. When the dough is kneaded to a solid dough, press it in a roun

Salads Lemon juice as needed Apples Carrots ...

Peel the carrots. Tear the carrots and apples and mix it in a bowl. Add lemon juice as needed to get a very fresh taste.

Various Lemon Sugar Apples ...

Start with a slice of apples in both. Then sprinkle lemon over them so that they do not get brown and clammy. Put them on a dish and throw a little sugar out evers mhhhhhh Ready to eat tips: Remember to brag the lemon beyond