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Pickling recipes

Pickling Water Rose hips Citric acid ...

Flower and stem of roe deer of hyben fruit rinsed and poured into boiling water with citric acid. They are boiled under the lid for 15 minutes. The apples are rinsed and cut and free for flower and stalk. They boil with the hyben fruit 10-15 min. Till they are

Pickling Vanilla rod Prunes (pitted) Red melamine ...

The fruit makers - ie That stones are removed from the flowers and peel as well as kernels are removed from the apples. The apples I used were drops, so there are some brown spots that should go away. Apples and plums cut into quarters and placed in a large

Pickling Reven should of 1 organic Lemon Juice Pieces or freshly grated ginger ...

Cut the pumpkin into pieces which rub roughly. Put the cracked pumpkin pieces in a pan with the water and simmer the mixture for 10 minutes. Add the other ingredients and allow the mixture to boil for another 3 minutes. Foam off Pour the mixture onto scalded g

Pickling Shoulder, knuckle, halskam, loin or bugflæsk from pig Salt Water ...

Put the meat in boiling water, it is foamed after a while and add salt and boil mildly with a low heat, it is foamed again. Remove from the pot and freeze for bones and fill in chloramine-baked potable water before pouring over and closing the glasses and refl

Pickling Lage: per litre of water Vinegar Salt ...

The purified roast thus freed for different things that are not real roast cooked in the law for about 20 minutes. Fill the rog in pure potatoes and pour over with the layer from before applying the first time to 45 minutes. At 100 degrees 2nd time 30 min. At

Pickling Strawberry Sugar ...

The rinsed drained berries are sprinkled with the sugar. The mixture is left for 1-2 hours or cold for a day. Then fill them in the atamon-shredded glass jar and close them for 15 minutes. At 80 gr. Slow heating and cooling tips: Remember to use real coo

Pickling Salt Butter or margarine Chanterelles ...

The side dishes are cleaned and rinsed with the margarine or butter and the salt until the sponges collapse. Put it all in hot, atamon-filled potatoes too. They are closed and left for one hour at 100 degrees tips: Use the right hand-painted glass to apply

Pickling Salt Bælgede peas Water ...

Use only the round peas inside the pods that you just blanch for 10 seconds. Fill the peas in chlorine flask with rinsed potatoes that are poured into the water and the salted glasses are closed to loaf once every 60 minutes at 100 degrees 2nd time 30 min. At