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Lunch recipes

Lunch 1 fresh chilli Pepper Salt ...

Læq kyllinqervinqerne in a plastic bag with barbecue sauce oq let them marinate in the refrigerator min. in time. Mostly dry marinade of vinqerne, wide them out on a baqeplade oq steq them in the oven at 220 qrader ca. 20 min. Cut red pepper into cubes oq mi

Lunch Egg white for brushing Wheat flour to roll out Salt ...

Mix the soft margarine with flour, salt and baking soda. Add the Quark and knead the dough together and let the rest in a cool place for 1 hour. Inserts peberfrugten into cubes and mix it with ham and cheese. The dough rolled out to a square of approximatel

Lunch Pepper Salt Vicki s. Green ...

Heat the Pan up. Cut the tenderloin into thin slices and fry them by direct heat on the forehead. Taken from the Pan and keep warm. Whip the eggs with the milk and add salt and pepper to taste. Came the egg mixture to the Pan and let it congeal slightly. The

Lunch The entire Juniper Vinegar The whole allehåndefrø ...

Pressure Juniper clean easily and got them in a small saucepan along with the remaining marinade. Bring to the boil and simmer on a low heat and stirring, to farinen is completely dissolved. So made the marinade to cool. Guilt herring fillets well with cold wa

Lunch Sour cream 9% Pepper Salt ...

pour the tuna up into a bowl, add the eggs, sour cream conc. tomato puree and salt and URpeber.lad it stand a bit in the fridge and get cold. serve it then on a toast. Bon appétit Tips: There may also be added shrimp and bell peppers or whatever you feel l

Lunch 4 tbsp. dijonsensennop Cooked ham Wheat bread such as sandwich bread ...

1. turn on a toaster, or turn on the grill in the oven at 225 degrees. 2. butter, if desired. the bread with mustard. 3. place ham and cheese between bread slices 4. put the toastene in a warm toaster, until they are golden brown and hot. Or behind them on

Lunch Fiskkværnet pepper Cucumber Butter ...

1. Butter bread slices with butter. 2. put the thin slices of cucumber and put another slice of bread on. 3. cut each sandwich into two triangles. Put demi layer in a deep platter or on a hill. 4. Put a tough upset, damp Tea towel over sandwichene. 5. tune

Lunch Oregano Tear cheese Ham cubes-chopped very fine possibly in the mini chopper ...

Dough: yeast is mixed in the lunkene vamd. sugar is added-then the oil. a little of the flour is aging in-grow old well possibly on touches the machine. salt + the rest of the flour is added and the dough is tough to grow old. raises for about 1 ½ Hour The