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Desserts (patisserie) recipes

Desserts (patisserie) Sugar to sprinkle on top Wheat flour Potatoes ...

Start letting the apricots soak in cold water. Then cook the potatoes. Once cooked, mash them with a fork or what you can do with it. When the potatoes are mashed, you mix Mel and Margerine. You have to work really well together, so it's a dough you can roll

Desserts (patisserie) Cooking chocolate Butter Icing sugar ...

dough: Egg whites are whipped well with flour and the coconut flour is gently stirred in. It is baked in 2 lubricated spring shapes on the bottom groove for approx. 30 min at 150g. Let them cool. Fill: -smelt butter, cook chocolate and let it cool agai

Desserts (patisserie) Garnish Cream Baking powder ...

Macro bottom: Whip the egg whites stiff, grind the almonds fine. Turn the flour and the finely ground almonds and deer salmon in. Distribute the dough into a circle that suits the purchased bakers. Behind the bottom at 200 degrees, let the bottom get cold an

Desserts (patisserie) Torn, dark rye bread Sugar Cocoa ...

Whip egg yolks and sugar airy. Add (mixed) rye bread, cocoa, potato flour and baking soda Whip egg whites (can be whipped as whole eggs, but it will be best separately) Turn the egg whites into the pulp (gently ... do not whip at all) Distribute in 2 spr

Desserts (patisserie) Sugar Egg whites Wheat flour ...

Bottom: Marzipan and sugar are melted together, butter is added gradually. Then it is well kneaded and the eggs are added one at a time. When 2 of the eggs have arrived, add the flour, then add the rest of the eggs. The mass is distributed in a spring shap

Desserts (patisserie) Almond essence Hazelnuts Almonds, peeled ...

The sliced ​​almonds are painted very nicely. The almond flour is mixed with sweetener and is combined with egg whites. Spray out with a spray bag on a baking sheet and decorate with hazelnuts. Bake at 225 degrees C for approx. 7 minutes until they ar

Desserts (patisserie) 30 g finely chopped almonds. Whipped cream Breadcrumbs ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan Bring whipped cream, syrup and sugar into the pan and bring to a boil Boil on low heat and for at least 30 minutes - add rasp and possibly. almonds. Dress up a shape approx. 18 times 24 with baking paper and pour the cara

Desserts (patisserie) Past. egg white Dark chocolate Green food coloring ...

Whip the whites until they are stiff. Point the flour in and mix it well. Add the peppermint and color and mix well. Sprinkle flour on your hands. Roll teaspoonful of mixture into small balls and place them on a baking sheet. Push the balls into flat sli