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Cookies recipes

Cookies Egg size m/l Ground cinnamon Vanilliesukker ...

PREPARATION BASISDEJ Sift the flour into a bowl and crumble butter. Add vanilla sugar and sugar and mix the dough with eggs. MANDEL-KANEL SMÅKAGER The dough is divided into two and rolled into rolls (5 cm diameter.) Put the two dough rolls in the refriger

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Wheat flour ...

The melted margarine is mixed with oatmeal. Eggs are stirred and then the rest mixed in. Place very small biscuits with 2 teaspoons on the baking sheet with baking paper. In the oven at 180 gr until they are golden brown in the pot, approx. 5-7 min. The cak

Cookies (these 5 spices can possibly be replaced by 2 PS. mixed brunkage spice, which can be purchased at Christmas time) Lemon, grated must Nutmeg, ground ...

Melt syrup, margarine and sugar. Let it swell before flour and spices are added together with soda soaked in a little cold water. Knead the dough. Roll out and protrude. Do you have a kitchen machine with meat hatcher? Mount the flat grooved opening and run

Cookies Vanilliestang Eggs Baking soda ...

1) Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. 2) Stir brown daffodil, flour and butter in a bowl. 3) Fold the vanilla pole and scrape the corners with the tip of a small knife. Stir the vanilla corn in the butter mixture. 4) Beat the egg into the bowl with the

Cookies Baking soda Eggs Salt ...

Remember to preheat the oven First stir the butter, sugar, dough and egg together. Then add flour, vanilla sugar, salt and baking soda. The nuts and chocolate are chopped (and not in a food processor - they are strange) and stir in the remaining dough.

Cookies Fine salt Baking soda Lemon, grated must of ...

Shake the almonds 15 minutes at 200 degrees. Whip the wet things until the sugar is dissolved. Mix the dry stuff together. Bring it dry and wet together in a bowl. Divide the dough into 3 parts. Roll each portion into a sausage that is as long a

Cookies Baking soda Eggs Brown sugar ...

Start turning on your oven and set it at 180 degrees C. alm. oven Stir peanut butter, sugar, butter, honey and eggs together in a bowl. Make sure that the brown sugar is stirred well so there are no lumps of it in the dough. Use hand power and not an electr

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Vaniliesukker ...

Margarine, farin and sugar are well-stirred The other ingredients are added The dough was kneaded together with light hand Trilles to small balls Put on greased plate and press lightly flat Bagetid: approx. 7 min at good heat (200 degrees)