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Cookies recipes

Cookies Baking powder Sugar Wheat flour ...

The ingredients are mixed together and tumbled into small balls. Put the balls in the refrigerator until next morning as it gives more flavor, but can also bake it the same. Put the spheres on the baking sheet and then put a fork flat down on them so that th

Cookies Finely ground coffee beans Butter Wheat flour ...

Spread flour, sugar and butter into two bowls with equal amounts in each. Chop the chocolate well and put in one bowl together with the coffee powder. Mix the ingredients in each bowl and knead it well. Bring each lump of dough into household film and put it i

Cookies Cocktail cherries Fat food for molds Icing sugar ...

1. Lubricate the lens shapes. 2. Eat fat, flour and flour quickly and put the dough to rest for a cold place for approx. 30min. 3. Mix the cream, milk, egg yolks, wheat flour and flour in a saucepan and allow the mass to be small during whipping. Take care n

Cookies Chopped hazel nuts or other nuts at will (without peel) Eggs Baking soda ...

ca. 1/4 of chopped chopped finely, 1/4 chopped roughly and 1/2 chopped to relatively large pieces. Whip butter, sugar and egg together with an electric whip. Mix flour, vanilla sugar and baking soda. Stir the flour mixture in the dough and then stir the

Cookies Ground ginger Vaille aroma Icing sugar ...

Bring the butter in a stirring bowl and whip until it is soft and creamy. Take flour, ginger, sugar and corn flour and mix it together. Use a sieve when pouring the ingredients into the butter. Enjoy it all together. Eat the vanilla in. The dough is rolled

Cookies Cardamom Coconut oil for cooking Grated lemon peel ...

Eggs and sugar are mixed and the cream is added. Rub the margarine and flour in and add the rest. Knead well until the dough is monotonous and let it rest for ½-1 hour. Roll the dough out thinly and trace it with the clay trace. Warm the palmit and turn

Cookies Chocolate buttons Wheat flour Painted mander (in shell) ...

Grind almonds in a blender or a chopper. Not too much. Mix all the ingredients together and roll it out to 2 sausages of about 20 to 25 cm long and style them cold for about an hour (more) Cut into thin slices and (about 3 - 5 millimeters. Bake at 200 degre

Cookies Salt Eggs Egg white ...

Chop the butter into small pieces, let it have room temperature and whip it creamy with sugar and dough (use a hand mixer). Whip the egg together with peanut butter. Sieve flour, vanilla sugar, baking soda and salt together and stir in the dough. Whip egg w