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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Pepper Thyme, dried Eggs ...

Mal liver, blubber, anchovies and onions through kødmaskinen once or twice, depending on how serious leverpostejen should be. Whisk flour and cold milk in a saucepan, warm up under the whipping and cook it through. Take the Pan from the heat and cool it a l

Cold cuts Black pepper Allspice Bouillon cube ...

Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan, stir in the flour and let it simmer a bit without Brown. Baby with milk/cream and bouillon cube. Cook opbagningen well through stirring. Stir in spicy sauce, grated pleats and spices in. Take the Pan from the he

Cold cuts Allspice (El. URf.eks. cardamom) Pepper Turkey bacon ...

All the ingredients for the leverpostejen stirred together with electric whips. Pour into a greased casserole dish and bake in a water bath or form for approximately 1 hour at 175 gr. Bacon roasted on a dry Pan – possibly lubricated with a little oil. Mushr

Cold cuts Salt Bacon, sliced Leverpostej in foil tray ...

Turn on the oven at 150 degrees. Remove the lid of the leverpostejen and insert it in the middle of the oven. Clean mushrooms carefully and cut them into slices. Melt the margarine in a skillet, let the shower by. Roast mushroom slices of good heat, f

Cold cuts Sugar Eggs Allspice ...

Prepare an opbagning of margarine, flour and milk. Blubber, liver and onions is run twice through the mincer and mix in opbagningen. Eggs and seasoning stirred in. Bake in water bath ca. 1 1/2 hour at 200 degrees. Serve warm with roasted mushrooms and bacon

Cold cuts Chicken liver Butter Large hard boiled eggs ...

The liver is cleaned. FRY on the forehead, not too dry. Blended with butter to a suitable consistency. Salt and pepper to taste. Eventually be met fairly finely chopped eggs in the mass, which is made on ice in a small form.

Cold cuts Dry sherry Eggs Pepper ...

Mix the liver, chopped onion, eggs and cream to a smooth mass. Fry the bacon dice on a dry Pan – they may not be hard – and stir them in live mass along with the rendered bacon fat. Season with Rosemary, salt and pepper and sherry and pour the mass in a form.

Cold cuts Caraway chives or other spices Buttermilk or junket ...

2 litres of Buttermilk or yogurt is heated slowly under omrørinq to approx. 7 OC degrees C, and stands until it is cold. Then pour it through a cloth in a colander, and stands for the whey has run off. It must stand until it is so clear that it can stay in sha