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Base recipes Figs ...

Fully ripe figs blanched half a minute to soften the skin or they pricked with a fork. Drying of figs is a lengthy process. The drying time may decrease by cutting the figs in half or quarters. The figs can be dried out in the Sun in the daytime or in on a bak

Base recipes Figs Sugar Water ...

Ripe figs can be deep frozen in a sugar syrup. For 1 kg of figs boiled a brine of 6 dl water and 300 g sugar. Rinse the figs, nippes, put in freezer packaging and brine poured over, so the figs just barely covered.

Base recipes Figs ...

Fully ripe figs blanched half a minute to soften the skin or they pricked with a fork. Drying of figs is a lengthy process. The drying time may decrease by cutting the figs in half or quarters. The figs can be dried out in the Sun in the daytime or in on a bak

Base recipes Tomatoes ...

The tomatoes must be scalded, skinned and cut into quarters and can be frozen without blanching.

Base recipes Salt Margarine Wheat flour ...

Boil the water. Melt the margarine, flour and salt came in. Com so it kogene water in pipes it well. Cool it a bit and came so 7 eggs in the dough Is very tough. then take the last egg in. Cook melbollerne up but give them a cup of cold water so they get a

Base recipes Corn or olive oil Eggs Semolinamel (durum wheat flour) ...

Tools: small hand pasta machine and possibly. rolling pin. The flour is poured into a bowl. The eggs turned out and added with the oil. Ingredients are stirred together with a fork. When the flour has absorbed the eggs, knead the dough thoroughly for approx. 1

Base recipes Dill Bay leaf Salmon ...

Salmon cooked in brine, whole salmon 20 – 30 min. salmon slices á 3 cm boil 12 – 15 min.

Base recipes Small prune plums or large plums Water Sugar ...

Small prune plums are dried whole stone. large yolks sliced or chop and udstenes. Yolks cooked a moment in a syrup: 1/2 liters of water and 1/2 kg of sugar. The afdryppes and air dry for a few days. Yolks dried finished on grates in oven at 75-100 gr