Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Base recipes recipes

Base recipes Eel Water Salt ...

When the eel is or not degummed and cleaned (be sure to cut about 4 cm. further behind than gathullet), be it in a brine. Brine: 1 liter of water and 80-100 grams of salt. Consumption: 1 ½ litres of brine per kg. fish. Time in brine: 5 -10 hours, depe

Base recipes Orange flower or rose water Water Sugar ...

Put pistacierne in a heat-proof platter. Then put in the oven at 120 degrees c. alm. oven for 10 minutes. Take them out and put them on a tea towel. Gently rub the nuts in the Tea towel, then all the Brown membranes disappears. If you use almonds over poured t

Base recipes Spaghetti squash ...

Spaghetti squash can be frozen whole. They are blanched in boiling water for 10-12 minutes and cool in ice-cold water in 10-12 minutes. Packaged in plastic bags or aluminium foil and freeze. When they must be used, be they at room temperature in 50-60 minutes

Base recipes Squash ...

Squash must, as most vegetables, blanched before freezing, so that enzyme chemical action is stopped. We blancherer in boiling water or over steam. Squashen sliced or diced and placed in wire baskets or aim is immersed in hot water, chicken URf.eks. 4 ½ l.

Base recipes Sausages Water for cooking Vinegar ...

That plug (pricked with a fork) holes in the skin of the sausages, in order that it should not be split. Came the sausages in a pan of lukewarm water. Add the vinegar. The water with the sausages to the boil and boil for about 3 min. cooking time depends on th

Base recipes Cherries, fresh shelve/acidic Sugar Water ...

Especially sidestep kirsebærrene suitable for deep-freezing. The cute, bright berries will be discoloured, but it can be prevented to some extent, if you add the freezing bed sheet ¾ TSP. Ascorbic acid per ½ litre. Sidestep kirsebærrene can be frozen down,

Base recipes Pepper Salt Butter or margarine ...

FRY all the ingredients in the butter until they are soft. The season, cooled and deep-frozen in appropriate portions.

Base recipes Basil Bay leaf Rosemary ...

Provence spice consists of basil, bay leaf, Rosemary, savory and thyme