Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Base recipes recipes

Base recipes Salt Sugar Beer ...

Flour, eggs, beer, water, oil, and salt and sugar are beaten together to form a smooth dough. Rest 1 hour, after which the stiftpiskede egg white, invert the dough should immediately be used. when they whipped whites have been added.

Base recipes Red color Ground turmeric Garam masala ...

Tips: You can buy ready-mixed Tandoori spice in specialty stores and larger supermarkets.

Base recipes Potatoes ...

Wash the potatoes well. Put them in a pan and pour hot water from the tap. Add salt. Put a lid on and bring the potatoes to a boil. Turn down the heat, when the potatoes Cook. Cook them 15-20 minutes. Feel with herbal knife, on the potatoes are tender. Drai

Base recipes Potatoes ...

Completely nyopgravede potatoes simply scrubbed with a stiff brush and rinse well. Can possibly. scraped with a herbal knife. Boiled in velsaltet water 10-20 minutes. Feel with tip of knife, on the tender herb. Drain and steam the potatoes dry.

Base recipes Potatoes ...

Wash the potatoes, peel them thin with a potato peeler and put them in cold water gradually. Potatoes are very large, they simply cut lengthwise in halves or quarters. Put the potatoes in the Pan and pour water over. Add salt. Bring the potatoes to a boil

Base recipes Turmeric. replaces the color of egg yolks Salt Good olive oil ...

The flour is added as a mountain on the table and is shaped like a volcano crater. Herein pour egg whites and the other ingredients. It all blended well together from the inside of the crater. The dough must be kneaded well, in 10-15 min. to it has been a real

Base recipes Hazelnut shucked Sugar ...

Chop nøderne rough. Melt the sugar slowly in a thick-bottomed pan without touching to the sugar turns to caramel. Pour nuts i. Pour on wax paper to cool the mass immediately. Let it completely cool, break it into smaller pieces and crush it in either foodproce

Base recipes Whole peppers Bay leaves Stocked vinegar ...

It all boils and poured over the finished herring. Tips: Can be expanded with: Neliker el. caraway thyme or dill el el.. chili El. o.s.v.