Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Cakes in form Thin vinrabarber Vanilla Wheat flour ...

Cut the rinse rhubarb into 2 cm long pieces. Bring them to an ovenproof dish. Cut the vanilla and scrape the corners. Mix them with the sugar and sprinkle it over the rhubarb. Place the dish in the oven at 160 ° C for approx. 25 min. Or the rhubarb are tender....

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Drizzle the Armagnac over the frogs and let them drag 2 hours. Dip frogs dry. Mix the rasp, parsley, garlic, salt and pepper in a bowl. Heat the oil in a large pot, and brown fries and mustard. Add the rasp mixture after approx. 10 min, and mix it all gently. ...

Appetizers Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Place the seeds in soft for 30 minutes. In water with vinegar Let them dripping and dry them in a dish. Then turn them into flour with salt and pepper. The butter is placed in a large pot and the fries are shaken about 10 minutes. Add chopped parsley and garli...

Appetizers Salt Egg white Lemon juice ...

The fry years are thawed and wiped with kitchen rolls. Stir lemon juice, olive oil, chopped garlic and parsley together into a marinade. Put the thighs in the marinade and let them pull in a refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Beignetdejen: Mix flour and salt...

Appetizers Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Deep frogs until they are almost completed. Pick them up Heat the oil, add lemongrass, garlic, chili and sprouts, sauté under the addition of curry, fish broth, salt, pepper, sugar and chicken broth. Let it boil for a few minutes and serve the dish....

Appetizers Pepper Salt Garlic ...

The foliage thaws, then wipe them well with the kitchen roll. Season them with salt and pepper. Turn them into the flour. Brown the fries in the golden butter and let them roast finished, about 5 minutes. Rinse and peel the tomatoes, remove the kernels. Pile t...

Appetizers Finely minced garlic Wheat flour Milk ...

Dissolve the thawed fries in a saucer with milk and turn in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper several times. Garlic and parsley are finely chopped in advance.

On a well-cooked pan, the fries of olive oil broke for a minute, not too many at a time. Then th...

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Warm water Yeast ...

The yeast is poured into half of the wheat flour. Mix the oregano and garlic in. All the water is poured in and the whole is thoroughly stirred together. This cover is covered with a damp cloth and stand warm until the dough begins to work (10 minutes to ½ hou...