Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Appetizers Pepper Salt Mussel fishery Fund or Fund ...

Peel and boil the potatoes, season them and stir 50 gr. Butter and olive oil and taste with lettuce and pepper.

Boil the fund, whip it with butter and add the chopped chives. Season with salt and pepper.

On each dish, put two eggs of potato pouré (shaped...

Appetizers Pepper Salt White wine ...

Boil mustard and white wine vinegar, add white wine, boil to ½ dl, whip the cold butter.

Clean the pears, take 8 long leaves and cut the rest fine.

Boil the pork in salted water, make 4 peaks of the sliced ​​leeks, lay the parsley leaves, squeeze the sli...

Lunch Green Salad Oil Pepper ...

Wash the potatoes well, fling them and grease the cutting surface with oil. Put them in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put a little spice on each. Bake them in the middle of a 200 degree hot oven until they are completely tender, approx. ...

Appetizers Various salads Pepper Salt ...

The juice of 1½ lime is mixed with the cream

Rinse the salads Cut the apples into strips Mix the salad, apples and roast beef, add olive oil, salt, pepper and the juice from ½ lime

Arrange the salad on 4 plates in a top, put the glue around...

Mains Pasta of your choice Pepper Salt ...

Pour the water from the crabs and boil it with 2 dl. whipping cream. Now take the pot from the heat and stir 200 grams of melt cheese in the hot liquid. Season with salads, salt and pepper. The crab meat is divided into smaller pieces and mixed in the sauce. S...

Mains Italian salad seasoning Salt Pasta of your choice ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package. Share the eggs. Whip egg yolks, cream, salt and salad spices together. Whip the whites to foam and turn them into the egg yolks. Melt the butter on a pan and first put pasta, then egg yolk on the for...

Sides Lemon juice Minced garlic Chopped dill ...

Stir the ingredients together and keep it cold until it is used.

If you do not like garlic this can be avoided. You can add all kinds of spices if you like something else....

Lunch Lemon juice White pepper Stenbidderrogn ...

Stir the dill in the cremefraichen well together with a little salt and pepper lemon juice. Sprinkle the cream on the ½ egg and top with a little pine tenderloin and a shrimp....