Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Lunch Freshly ground pepper HP sauce or Worcestershire sauce Salt ...

Melt the butter on the forehead and sweat the bread on both sides. Put the loaves off and keep them warm. Get more butter on the forehead, smash the eggs and raise them all over the forehead, possibly. on both sides. Put the eggs on the bread slices and season...

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Cardamom Small cup of milk ...

Eating it all together, it is gathered when the margarine becomes soft of the hand heat. Form into horns and bake in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees C.

Eat with a good layer of butter...

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt At grovbolle (80 g) ...

The bulgur is soaked in boiling water and draws approx. ½ hour under cover.

The vegetables are rinsed and cut into small terns. Seasonings are rinsed and chopped well. The dressing is mixed. All ingredients are mixed together....

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Orange juice Straws ...

Put the ice cubes in a cloth and crush them. Distribute the broken ice into 6 high glasses. Mix the sports juice and Danish water into a jug and pour the orange juice. Pour the mixture over the ice in the glasses.

Server with straws...

Mains Pepper Whipped cream Salt ...

Chop cod, spoon and onions in a machine.

Stir it all together with egg, rasp and wheat flour, mustard potatoes and add a little cream until it gets a proper consistency. Season with salt and pepper.

Stir in margarine and oil until golden.


Cakes A little green food coloring Sifted powdered sugar Silver sugar balls ...

Whip egg and sugar airy. Melt the butter in the water and stir all the ingredients together. Pour the dough into a greased form and bag the cake in a 200 ° C hot oven for 30-40 minutes. Cool and decorate and cut into pieces....

Midnight snacks Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

The bottom is kneaded together with your hands and placed in the fridge for half an hour. The bottom is divided into a greased pie shape (note that it can not be rolled but must be laid in small lumps and smooth) and immersed in oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Ove...

Mains Spice of your choice A little chopped spinach Bell Pepper diced ...

Boil the pasta.

Put the bacon on a slightly large forehead. Then sweat the ham. Put the pepper and sherry tomatoes on the forehead. Then the pasta is on the forehead with the spinach. Eventually pour the cream over and a little spice is added to the dish. T...