Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Various A few ice cubes Blueberries (or fresh) Vanilla yoghurt ...

Blend the ananas softly and add the blueberries.
Blend it together for a good consistency. Now add 2 tbsp. Chop and blend add 1 tbsp. More if necessary. Add the juice and blend to a creamy and thick texture and add. ice cubes
Serve with a little c...

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Stir the dad with eggs and garlic, salt and pepper. Add the dried fruits, then some flour and milk. Smooth the dad out on a piece of baking paper and put the 8 slices of fat on it. Use the baking paper to roll the bread together. Then put 8 slices of bacon acr...

Lunch Cress aftertaste Pepper Onions cut into thin rings ...

Mix cream fraiche, mustard, sugar and pepper.
Fill apple, onion, herring and pepper and mix it.
Leave the dish for a couple of hours in the refrigerator and it is ready for serving....

Cookies Cream Water Hjortetraksalt ...

Turn on the oven to 175 (hot air)

All dry parts are mixed
Add the liquid
Bland thoroughly

Roll to ½ cm thick sausage
Cut 1 cm off pieces
Roll the pieces round and give them a finger pressure

When the oven is 175 degrees, put them in the middle gro...

Bread, buns & biscuits Very little salt a little sprinkle of table salt Powder sugar Eggs ...

Melt the margarine. Come and get the milk in it, so have the right temperature to get fermented and dissolve it. Add the flour and sugar and salt and egg. Enjoy it well. If it is not fixed enough, you can get a little more flour. You can also hold on with the ...

Bread, buns & biscuits Add if necessary. a little dried oregano for the preparation Salt Yeast ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water.

Then add the flour gradually and turn together so that you get a uniform and still slightly wet dough.

Now cover the dough with a towel and let it rest in my. 45 min.

Now roll out the raised dough as thin as p...

Cookies (it is recommended to use only the amount of flour to the dough can let go) Reven should of 1 lemon Wheat flour ...

Bake at 200 degrees for approx. 7 minutes
(It is recommended to put the dough on the fridge so it is easier to work)

Take a small portion of the dough and roll out to a thin layer (2 - 3 mm thick) and squeeze the dough out with shapes.

Put your expresse...

Cookies Grated shell of an orange Butter Wheat flour ...

Cut the butter into small pieces and crumble it in the flour. Peel the flour and add almonds and orange peel. Knead it together and roll the dough dough into two thick bars.
Roll the bars tightly into the baking paper and let them rest in the refrigerator for...