Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Salt Prune without stone ...

Clean another, rub it inside and out with salt and pepper. Fill another with apple boats and prunes. Put another in the bag and close with the supplied clip.

Put another on the roast pan with the chest upwards and raise approx. 2-2½ hours at 200 degrees C. ...

Lunch Sugar Coarse salt Cheasy cream cheese naturel 6% ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the milk. Pour the mixture into a bowl and stir the yeast out. Add the remaining ingredients (hold a little wheat flour back). Beat the dough well together. Cover the bowl with, for example, a lid and style the dough to ra...

Candy Orange juice Enough water Cashew or macadamia nuts ...

1 cup of cashew or macadamia nuts, or those who have brought it home from, for example, Fresh, take a cup of cashew or macadamia butter. Blend with water, your base nuts butter is 1/3 cup water enough, or you may need more. Or maybe orange juice? Add 1 teaspoo...

Drinks (cold) Good handful of frozen strawberries Sugar A38 ...

Everything blends together and is enjoyed with straws. Is nice thick and cold....

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon Strawberry Water ...

To make the bottom, mix the pecan nuts with the dates. Blend and sprinkle with cinnamon if you think.

Divide the mass into 2 and form one half to match the pie shape. Make a layer of bananas in slices and then another layer of nut / dadel mass.

To make t...

Base recipes Olive oil Water Fresh Sage ...

Blend nuts, lemon juice, salt, olive oil and water in a powerful blender until smooth.

Transfer the mass to a bowl and mix the remaining ingredients with a spoonful. Cool in refrigerator for ½ hour and serve....

Mains Salt Lemon juice from here Curry ...

Blend the ingredients.

It is excellent for stuffed tomatoes or peppers...

Drinks (cold) Organic almonds 4-8 hours in soft Small dates or 5 medjool dates Carob powder ...

Mix the almonds with 1 cup of water and filter through a dish to make almond milk.

Return the almond milk to the blender and add 1 cup of water, the dates, carob powder, frozen bananas. Blend. Comes in 2 large glasses and is enjoyed.

Variation 1: ...