Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains (væden poured from) Wheat flour Salt ...

Take the skin off of chicken thighs. Boil the broth, add all pepper varieties. Put the chicken parts in and cook on a low heat, covered, for about 10 minutes. Rinse and cut purløgen rough. Emphasis is in the pot and boil another 10 minutes. Pour the juice from

Mains Salt White pepper Whipped cream ...

Inserts kyllingeleveren into smaller pieces. Brown in butter in a large skillet over high heat. Wheat flour sprinkled over. Let it simmer for about 1 minute. While stirring, add cider and vinegar. Stir in mustard, salt and pepper in. Boil at low heat for appro

Mains Red chili fruit Celery in small cubes Chicken ...

Part 4-8 the chicken in pieces. Cut the backbone and wingtips. Season the chicken pieces with Tandoori spice, brown them in oil, take them up. keep chicken pieces warm. Saute the onion, celery, garlic and chili easily in the fat. Add the tomato concentrate and

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Turn on the oven grill. Put the chicken on a rack or in a roasting pan. Brush both sides of the chicken fillets with olive oil. Barbecue chicken fillets 8-10 cm from the heat to the has been fried, ca. 10 min. Turn them once. Put the chicken fillets on a pl

Cakes in form Hazelnuts Dark chocolate 44% Baking soda ...

Butter and sugar is stirred softly. Stir in the eggs, one at a time. The flour mixed with baking powder, cocoa, chopped chocolate and nuts. Flour and ymer turned into dough. The batter is poured into a greased baking pan (ca. 23x33), Bake about 50 minut

Mains Pepper Parsley sprinkle Salt ...

Cut the chicken breast into strips and brown them in butter in a saucepan. Add the finely chopped shallot and cleaned the chanterelles. Layer the roast, about 3 minutes. Stir the flour in, and babies with broth and cream. Simmer 10 minutes. Season with s

Mains Wheat flour Oil Pepper ...

Chicken clean cutting area, turned over in the flour salt and pepper, and Brown in a mixture of butter and oil. Sauté onion and garlic along with the chicken. Add the white wine, broth, tomato puree, chopped parsley, thyme and bay leaf and let the right sim

Mains 1 tsp. grated lemon rind Freshly ground pepper Dried tarragon ...

Share the chicken into 4 or 6 pieces. Brown the chicken pieces in a mixture of fat and oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add the tarragon and, possibly, the grated lemon rind. Pour hønsebouillonen by. Put lid on and cook gently for about 20 minutes. Remove c