Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Cardamom Oil ...

oil, yeast, salt, sugar, milk and egg stir samen. Add the flour and cardamom. raise ½ hour. formes to buns raise ½ hour Bake at 200 degrees for about 12 minutes (do not brush)

Lunch Freshly ground pepper Accessories Coarse salt ...

Dough: cut the butter into small pieces and crumble it into the flour until it resembles grated cheese. Add water and reassemble the quick dough. Press it out into a greased springform (ca. 22 cm in diameter). Let the batter go ¾ up the form page. Style it cov

Lunch Pepper Chives Salt ...

Boil the eggs for "smiling eggs" (6-7 min). Calculate 1 -2 eggs per person. Melt the butter in a pan, came the flour in with the boiling decoctions and milk. Add salt, pepper + half of mustard and let the sauce Cook through. Season to taste with more mustard.

Mains Baking soda Salt Cream cheese naturel ...

Eggs, sugar and oil whisked together, roughly grated squash w/Peel and the other ingredients are added, at which point it all stirred together well. fill moffinsforme about 3/4 up. bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for about 30 minutes in t

Cakes in form Hazelnuts Margarine Baking soda ...

Eggs and sugar whipped thick and foamy. Margarine is melted over low heat and allow to cool. squashen rives and hazel nuts are chopped. The rest of the ingredients, invert gently into the dough. Margarine is stirred in at the end. The batter is poured

Bread, buns & biscuits Leaven (a good large cup) Rye flour Lukewarm water ...

A: mix together in a large pot/Bowl and rests obscured in 12-24 hours. (B): a. a good mix in large cup of sourdough is taken from in a glass and covered with coarse salt. Put lid on and put in the refrigerator. (Surdejen should preferably be used within 1 ½

Cakes in form + dried beans Egg yolk Eggs ...

Stir in flour, butter and icing sugar together to make the dough and assemble with egg yolk. Style the cold for 30 min., roll it out and line a greased pie dish. Forbag 10 min. filled with dried beans by 200 gr. Stir the ingredients for filling together and go

Bread, buns & biscuits Coarse salt Together the beaten egg Olive oil ...

Chop the sun-dried tomatoes and put them to soak in the water. Grate the potatoes coarsely and blancer them 1 ½ minutes in boiling water. Stir the yeast into the tomato water. Add the drained potatoes, oil, salt od the two kinds of flour. Knead the soft dough