Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Pour the tuna in a sieve to drain. Stir in diced tomatoes along with tomato paste, chopped olives and capers. Season with salt and pepper and pressed garlic. Flip the tuna in tomato sauce and favor it in the pie bottom. Garnish, if desired. with some who

Cakes in form Eggs Baking soda Sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 200 ° c, Knead all parts together, except Finally, the jam. Roll the dough out to fit a pie dish. Serve form with the dough, and got jam on. Merge a lattice of dough and it came over.

Lunch Oregano, dried Pepper Salt ...

Makes pores clean and cut them into thin slices. Fry the bacon and porreringene on a frying pan. Whip the eggs with spices and cream. Mix the flour, margarine and cream to a dough. Divide the batter in a pie dish and line the sides with staniol. Prick th

Cakes in form Baking soda Desiccated coconut Milk ...

Mass: egg whites beaten stiff. Icing and desiccated coconut is stirred in. Party fabric is softened and stirred well with sugar. Then stir the egg yolks in. Flour which is charged, as well as bagepulveret milk is added. Everything is stirred well. The do

Cakes in form Cream of Glaze with cacao and coconut Glaze with eco. lemon zest-my favorite ...

The oven turns on at 180 degrees C. Eggs and sugar, beat together Oil, add the carrots grated and added to the rest of the ingredients mix well and Add. Pour into a form bake in 20 -25 my plug in it to see if it is done to cool and come optionally. glazi

Lunch Bacon cubes Leek Strøget TSP. baking soda ...

melt the margarine when it is hand warm poured it into a bowl and beat with the flour, coffee cream, egg yolks and baking powder with a fluffy mass. Beat the egg whites until stiff and flip it cautious in the airy egg mass. Put wax paper in a baking pan approx

Mains Dough Salt Palmin ...

Rinse and makes the fillets well clean Whisk flour-oil-beer-salt for a breezy style and the cold dough 1 hour. Then mix the 4 stiff whipped egg whites in the dough. Com palminen in a large pot and when the hive on a stick is ready. Dip fillets in batter and pl

Soups Broth water Salad mix with ærtergulerødder asparagus Margarine ...

Brown the margarine in a soup pot behind it up into a thin sauce of flour and væden from the salad mixture and broth Came buns and salad mixture into court is ready Tips: It is a supperlækker and fast right to do It takes about 10 minutes to do use it ofte