Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes Hazelnut flakes Water Whole milk ...

Dough: Milk, yeast and sugar is dissolved. Butter, egg, cardamom and wheat flour mixed in 5 minutes and made of Kneaded. refrigerator 20 minutes. Then roll the dough out to a square with a thickness of 0.4 cm; Dough cut into squares of 10 x 10 cm. On the mi

Desserts (patisserie) Powdered sugar icing Raspberry jam Vermicelli ...

Mix the flour, baking powder and finely ground butter. Add sugar and water. Collect the dough. Roll the dough out to 2 long plates, 10 cm width (or 4 plates, if they cannot be on the baking plate). Roll each sheet out on a different piece of wax paper. Came th

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom, ground Eggs Salt ...

Lunes, milk is poured into a dish, dissolve the yeast and therein. Remember, the yeast must not be heated with. Flour and the other ingredients mixed in, and it all kneaded together into a uniform dough, which raises to double in size in a warm place, covered,

Mains Frying oil Wheat flour Pepper ...

The potatoes are cooked very tender in water without salt, steamed dry and moses. The fish is cooked tender in plenty of water with thyme and salt. Onion and garlic chopped finely and FRY in the oil until tender. the fish are picked and add the onions to

Mains Lemon juice Chopped chili Wheat flour ...

The afparerede meat cut into fairly large slices of about 2 cm thickness, across kødtrådene. Then ban kes each piece of meat with a these events or any other heavy, yes maybe a flat pan bottom. Season now each piece of meat with salt and pepper. Turn the me

Lunch Lemon juice Fresh cut dill Half teaspoon. PIRI piri cereals/dried chili/ ...

Chop the salmon and mix it with the other ingredients for a father. Form small meatballs and fry them in the Pan without fat at medium heat for a few minutes on each side, until golden and done. Horseradish cream 62g DDV yogurt 2 tbsp. freshly grated horseradi

Mains Margarine for frying Pineapple into pieces Curry ...

start with the gravy. slice the onion and bacon in cubes and sauté them few minutes in browned margarine in a saucepan. Sprinkle curry powder on let it simmer a little before the flour is mixed in together with grated Apple and tomato puree. stir bouillon and

Cakes in form Cream and frosting Milk Baking soda ...

Fat, powdered sugar and sugar is stirred together. The fat should be softened to a consistency like mayonnaise, and then add the eggs one at a time, and finally mix the flour and the other ingredients in, and it all touched to a uniform mass. Pour into a gr