Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes Baking soda Great TSP. vanilla sugar Butter ...

Melt the white chocolate over a water bath along with butter and sugar. It'll just melt! Whip the eggs with vaniljen and turn it into chocolate mixture after it has cooled off. Chop the nuts and the dark chocolate coarsely and flip it into the dough with flo

Mains Eggs Tarragon, fresh Onion ...

Grate the onion and stir all ingredients together Form forcemeat for meatballs with a spoon and fry them until they are through fried.

Bread, buns & biscuits Melted margarine Salt Grahams ...

Stir the yeast into the water/milk. The salt is added, then accepted the margarine into Flour put in at the end.. Let dough raise covered in 30 min. Part dough into 2 and form them into French bread/be in shape is probably best, or perhaps as buns. Let them af

Soups Chili pepper The peel of a lemon Wheat flour ...

If you can get the butcher to clean stomachs for it may it is strongly recommended. They should be cooked until tender in 3 liters of water with the grated lemon rind. You have to calculate the 4-6 hours. The lamps are not very good. When they are cooked, t

Bread, buns & biscuits Lukewarm water Grated orange zest Salt ...

you start with to snuggle up in a bowl of lukewarm water so smulrer you fermented in the bowl and touches really well around and then you put a little bit of salt and sugar in. then comes the two eggs in and you touching really well around. so put it in the f

Cakes in form Baking soda Powder coffee Vanilliesukker ...

the oven is set at 175 degrees. stir all the ingredients in the cake together. Pour the batter into a form in which there is put wax paper (to go up to the edges) are put on the lower rib in the oven, and bake for 45-50 my Tips: only 3 eggs came in, if c

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Boil pasta according to instructions on package. More than pour it with cold water. Let it drain away and put it in a greased casserole dish (20 x 30 cm). Put fish fillets on top. Cut the mushrooms into quarters, and bell pepper i

Cakes Baking soda Potato flour Wheat flour ...

Eggs and sugar whipped fluffy. Flour and katoffelmel and baking soda sifted in and reversed gently into the dough. The batter is poured into a pie dish (foil) with wax paper or lightly grease with butter in the bottom. Bake at 200 degrees for immediate 5-10