Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Salt Sugar ...

Raises to double size. Shaped to 2 bread, which raises to double size. Bake 30-40 minutes at 225 degrees

Cakes Cardamom Salt Eggs take a little from for brushing ...

The dough raises to double size. buns are shaped and raises to double size. Brushed and bake at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Desserts (warm) Salt Wheat flour Melted butter ...

start by asking the oven at 225 degrees. 1. melt all the butter in a saucepan. Pour the milk in, and warm it up until the stupid can dip your fingers in it without burning them. 2. Crumble the yeast in a bowl, and pour the milk over until the yeast is diss

Cakes in form Chocolate Lemons--> must + juice Baking soda ...

Whip the eggs with the sugar and finely grated lemon zest airy. Mash the bananas with 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Mix the flour and baking powder Pipes then flour + bagpulver in dough with bananas. Add the finhakket chocolate Fill greased form and Bake 30

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

cut the meat into neat stykkerog turn them in flour mixed with salt and coarse-ground pepper and knustenebær. Brown meat in butter in a frying pan and add the big carrot cubes and thick potato writes. Pour broth and tomato juice and let the pot boil, covere

Desserts (cold) Lemon Chopped dark chocolate Eggs ...

It dries in a bowl and mix the wet into another bowl and stir it together. grate the lemon and put it in at the end. Bake in 30-45 minutes. for it has a golden brown color Tips: It is very good for young girls it gives you bigger breasts.

Cakes Margarine Yeast Maragrine ...

Ingredients dough: grow old together and the dough is divided into 4 parts which rolled to rectangular pieces. Fill: Maragrinen smæltes gently in a saucepan and add sugar and cinnamon. Fill greased now on the rolled dough, which is then rolled together i

Desserts (warm) Sugar and cinnamon Wheat flour Margarine or butter ...

first skraller you the apples and cut them out in both. put the apples into a bowl and sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon over. mix margarine and sugar, stir in 2 eggs in finally chopped almonds, and stir in the flour and almonds. the apples are placed in