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Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Cakes Egg yolk Salt Vanilla sugar ...

The milk is poured into hand warm and the yeast dissolves in the milk. Everything except butter and pear sugar is mixed into a dough and rested for 30 minutes. Add butter and finally pearl sugar - A stirrer or electric hook with hot hooks can be highly recom

Cakes in form (slightly desiccated coconut) Chocolate (according to taste) Water ...

Mix everything in a bowl and behind 200 degrees for 35 minutes. tips: Serving with icing, fruit, whipped cream or chocolate.

Desserts (cold) Cream Sugar Vanilla sugar ...

Mix it all together in a bowl and taste with vanilla sugar and sugar. Whip a little bit to make the texture slightly thicker. tips: Serve with chops and possibly fruit pieces.

Desserts (warm) Butter for frying eco Salt Oil eco or alm ...

Whip the eggs together with flour, salt vanilla sugar and sugar. Add the milk a little at a time and whip well so there are no lumps. The dough must have a thickness of approx. Like a milkshake. Whip 2 tbsp. Finally, oil. If the dough is too thick, the pancake

Cakes in form Desiccated coconut Baking soda Strong coffee ...

Sugar and eggs are whipped well, then add liquid margarine and water. The dough is whipped well, then the dry ingredients are said down and the dough is carefully mixed together. The flour mixture must not be whipped in the dough, making the cake heavy and com

Desserts (cold) Desiccated coconut Orange juice, freshly squeezed Cocoa ...

Mix all the ingredients together. Vibrate the mass into small balls and roll them into coconut flour. (Do not waste the mass!) Put them in the fridge and wait 10 minutes. done! :-) tips: Good to have a hot summer day with a glass of juice.

Desserts (cold) A38 Buttermilk Vanilla sugar ...

Sugar and vanilla sugar are stirred together quite a bit. Then pour A38 and buttermilk in - like at the same time, but not necessary. Whip in well 5 min. Until it's cloudy and looks airy and leaking. Then put in a refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.

Desserts (cold) Margarine Salt Vanilla sugar ...

Heel the milk into a bowl. Then stir the flour in a little. Put the eggs in. Put the desired salt or vanilla in. Bake the pancakes in margarine to prevent the pancake from sticking. tips: Can be used as breakfast, baked cakes or as dessert, depending