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Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Desserts (patisserie) Whipped cream Strawberries (or other berries) Baking soda ...

Sugar and margarine are stirred together, add one egg at a time and stir well in between. The dry ingredients are mixed and stirred in the dough. The dough is divided into two lubricated molds and baked at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Whip egg whites, sugar and

Cookies Baking soda Eggs Potato flour ...

Potato flour, corn flour, vanilla sugar and baking soda are mixed well. The margarine is cut into small pieces and added to the flour. Sugar and eggs are stirred for egg scoop and kneaded in the flour. The vanilla wreaths are then shaped as usual. Bake appr

Cakes Potato flour Baking soda Icing sugar ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped together until it is white and foamy. Wheat flour, potato flour, baking soda, and cocoa be used carefully in egg / sugar. The dough spread out on a frying pan with baking paper. Bake 6 - 8 minutes at 225 degrees C. alm. Oven in the

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Milk Sherry ...

The milk is boiled. Eggs and sugar are stirred. The milk is alloyed with the oyster. The boiling milk is dripped while stirring. The cream is poured back into the pan and heated for a moment, but it should not boil. Husblas and vanilla ice cream are melted in

Desserts (cold) Desiccated coconut Grated nutmeg Ground cinnamon ...

Leave the crusts on the bread. Cut the slices of bread into cubes and put them in an ovenproof dish that holds 1 liter. Bring raisins and coconut cream over. Whip the egg and add milk, sugar, melted fats and spices. Pour the egg yolk over the bread. Behind

Desserts (cold) A dollop of whipped cream on each portion Wheat flour to form Butter or margarine to form ...

Place the apricots in a soft few hours until they become soft or let them lay overnight. Let them drip well, but save 2 dl of icing water and 4 apricot sauce. Chop other apricots well. Whip egg, sugar and fat airy. Gently mix the chopped apricots, vanilla s

Desserts (warm) Vanilla sugar Banana Crème fraiche 38% ...

Bring the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over the water bath in a saucepan. Gently flush the cream alongside and stir in the chocolate gradually. The chocolate should be hot but must not reach boiling point. Stir cognac in flavor to the very end wh

Cake add-ons Vanilla sugar Icing sugar Cocoa ...

Whipped cream, vanilla sugar and cocoa are sieved together and stirred with boiling water.