Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Mains Chamber junker Buttermilk Vanilla sugar ...

Pour the buttermilk into a bowl and add sugar and vanilla sugar. Whip it in air. Add sugar and vanilla sugar. Come to the kings in. tips: You can both serve the cold dish as main course and dessert.

Cakes in form Torn shell of 1 orange (usprøjtet) Juice from 1 orange Baking soda ...

Stir 100 grams of soft butter with sugar until it is light and smooth. Add the eggs 1 at a time and whip well between them. Add grated orange peel and chopped hazelnuts Mix flour, cocoa, baking powder and vanilla sugar in a bowl. Invert it with milk & oran

Cakes in form Juice of 0.5 lemon Juice from 1 orange and must Juice from 2 oranges and must ...

Cake: Stir sugar and butter well. Add the eggs and stir well. Sift flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar together and turn it in the dough alternately with orange juice and peel. Butter a spring shape. Pour the dough into it. Bake one hour at 180 degrees

Cakes Desiccated coconut Vanilla sugar Corn flakes ...

1. Heat the peanut butter in a saucepan with low heat. 2. Mix the other ingredients in, brush from the chocolate and stir to heavy mass. 3. Pour the dough onto a plate of baking paper. Smooth it out and let it stiff. (It takes a moment) 4. Melt the chocolat

Various Cocoa powder Vanilla sugar Icing sugar ...

Pour all the ingredients into a bowl. Mix it well for a few minutes with an electric hand mixer. tips: Bailey cream is good for many things: in the middle of fastelaven buns, topping on muffins, halve a cake and put the cream in the middle, etc.

Desserts (cold) Condensed milk Chocolate shavings Icing sugar ...

Put the can of condensed milk in a saucepan. Fill water in the pan so that the can is covered. Bring the pan to the boil and then screw it down. Let it simmer for 3 hours. After the three hours the can is cooled off using cold water. Dåsen's content has now be

Desserts (cold) Brown sugar Chopped Pecans Peach juice (or orange juice) ...

Mix crushed grahamskiks with chopped pecans, margarine and honey. Push the dough into the bottom of a round shape with loose edge. The shape should be 22 cm in diameter. Heat the ferskenjuic (orange juice) into a saucepan. Add soaked gelatin. Let it cool of

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Vanilla sugar Whipped cream ...

Berries mashed or blended and stir with sugar and lemon juice. The house block is soaked in cold water, picked up, melted over steam and stirred in the bog. The cream is not whipped too stiff. When the fruit mousse begins to become even, carefully turn t