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Recipes with Soft butter

Mains Salt Bay leaf Large onion ...

The fish is scraped and trimmed and sprinkled with salt. It draws 10 minutes, rinsed and dried. Onions, shallots and garlic peeled and chop fairly fine. The different onion cooked along with wine, parsley, thyme, peppercorns and bay leaf in good heat until

Cakes in form FAT to grease the baking Tin Bicarbonate of soda Plant margarine ...

Plant the margarine with the sugar and the eggs fluffy stirred stirred in one at a time. Flour, baking powder, soda and spices mixed together and stir into the dough. Finally add æblemosen and dough filled into a small, well oiled baking pan. Cake bake approxi

Lunch A couple of frisee lettuce leaves Spring onions Pepper ...

Butter bread slices with butter. Deck 1 slice with roast beef slices that folded together to fit the bread. Butter cream horseradish over meat. Advantage cucumber slices over meat. Put onion rings on top. Tires with frisee lettuce leaves and season with salt a

Mains Corn flour Butter for frying Roast beef on 1 kilo ...

Champig nonerne, three walnuts and garlic chopped. 25 grams butter melted in a pan, and the mushrooms and garlic roasted lightly. Val the nuts added and ri stes briefly with. Rinse cut up lengthwise, and cut into the sides, so you get a little more flat. The e

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

The butter is stirred together with the finely chopped parsley, lemon pepper and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Can possibly. rolled together in wax paper and cut into slices when it has been in the fridge for half an hour. The potatoes scrubbed well and

Cakes in form (tastes a lot better than you think!) Baking soda Lemon juice ...

Beat the butter, brown sugar and eggs together well. Mix flour, cinnamon and baking soda together and turn it into butter mixture alternately with carrots, raisins (and Walnut kernels). Divide the batter into a greased springform and bake the cake in the mi

Candy Dates Butter Peeled chopped almonds ...

The dried fruits cut into smaller pieces. Pour all the ingredients in a mixer, and when it is stirred well, the mass is poured into a baking pan lined with film, and the pressed evenly out. The form is put in the refrigerator and allow to cool at least 2 hours

Candy Rod vanilla Cocoa Soft butter ...

The dried fruits cut into smaller pieces. Pour all the ingredients in a mixer, and when it is stirred well, the mass is poured into a baking pan lined with film, and the pressed evenly out. The form is put in the refrigerator and allow to cool for at least 2 h